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Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - Printable Version

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Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - Philip1231 - 12-06-2015

Any idea what the fair market value is on this (2")?

Re: Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - JimBelair - 12-06-2015

Holtey's genius is in the construction of his plane bodies. The iron is likely worth the same as any premium iron (Hock, Veritas, etc.).

That's my opinion anyway.

Re: Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - thomasegan - 12-06-2015

For somebody that has a Holtey plane and needs/wants a genuine replacement or spare, I'd think a premium to a Hock is warranted. There aren't a lot of Holtey irons floating around- I would presume.

te (edit for speeling)

Re: Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - Admiral - 12-06-2015

thomasegan said:

For somebody that has a Holtey plane and needs/wants a genuine replacement or spare, I'd think a premium to a Hock is warrented. There aren't a lot of Holtey irons floating around- I would presume.



Sounds like an eBay item with reserve at a Hock price, or something you take to a MWTCA meet. Problem is not all that very many fudge own Holtey planes so the market is small and hard to find.

Re: Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - Philip1231 - 12-06-2015

This iron fits my LN #4 perfectly. I believe Karl Holtey made aftermarket blades although I don't know which planes he made them for (I would guess Stanley, and we now know, LN). I am assuming its an A2, but he also made S53 irons. Since this iron only has Holtey on it, I am guessing its the less expensive A2. The only apparent difference between this iron and my LN iron is the cap iron slot: the Holtey has a longer slot.

Re: Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - Steve Altman - 12-07-2015

You're right on all counts. And if it were S53 it would have an "S" on it.

Re: Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - Philip1231 - 12-07-2015

Well its going on that very popular auction site tonight: that will answer the question of worth definitively.

Re: Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - Timberwolf - 12-08-2015


I believe Karl Holtey made aftermarket blades

That's true..Several years ago, I bought a new Holtey 2" blade from Woodcraft on their clearance table.....priced at about $40.00 IIRC.

Re: Holtey Iron: What's It Worth? - Philip1231 - 12-08-2015

Sssshhh: don't say that too loud: I am about to retire on what it is going to sell for on that very popular auction site