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Sargent 1080 plane beading stop - Printable Version

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Sargent 1080 plane beading stop - ac445ab - 04-22-2017

My Sargent 1080 combo plane came with a missing part of its beading stop: the adjustable shoe screwed under the main piece.

[Image: 16bn682.jpg]

I would like to build a new one, but I don't know the exact shape of the missed shoe.
Anyone having this plane can help me by a drawing or picture?

RE: Sargent 1080 plane beading stop - JimReed@Tallahassee - 04-22-2017


How about this?

[Image: DSCN2905.jpg]

[Image: DSCN2906.jpg]

[Image: DSCN2907.jpg]

[Image: DSCN2908.jpg]

Bead blades come with a quirk cutter on each side. This adjustable foot covers one of the quirk cutters while also providing a shoe/sole to keep the plane level when cutting.

Hope this helps.

RE: Sargent 1080 plane beading stop - ac445ab - 04-22-2017

Thank you so much for these photos,
now I should be able to make the missed piece

Regards from Italy


RE: Sargent 1080 plane beading stop - Bibliophile 13 - 04-22-2017

The braintrust comes through again!

RE: Sargent 1080 plane beading stop - ac445ab - 04-23-2017

And a very fast reply!
I had searched google for images but only could find pictures of the beading stop without the parts detached.
I have a Stanley 55 too, but the design of this piece is different from the Sargent one.
Good Sunday woodworking!