There were a few comments about the brass stay.
I probably have the largest range of brass stays in the history of mankind, collected in the course of research ... Oh, I think that will do it! Cha-ching (sound of me paying for another stay) .... darn, too large to fit!
Originally, I had planned to situate the stay to the right side and inside the tray. This has a depth of about 1 1/2". It was this that was too shallow for all the stays I came across. Here is what I came up with ...
I was wandering around the local hardware store looking for inspiration when an idea formed around these door closers (front) and (at the rear) box hinges ..
I managed to find brass pipes with a 5mm hole and 5mm brass thread. The brass thread fitted the pipe to create a strong brass rod.
The "catch" (female) was modified: the wings with screw lugs were removed (needed to reduced the width and make a neater fitting), a screw hole was drilled in the centre, the springs were removed and shortened (re reduce tension), and the case ground back by about 2mm each side.
The "lug" (male) was also modified: shortened and rounded (as it needed to fit at an angle. The existing square shape only permitted entry if all parts were square with one another). The brass thread was tapped into the lug ....
Here is the end with the box hinge ...
This was also 5mm diameter .... see how it was meant to be?
Once the lower section was epoxied together, the lid was morticed for the catch (to prevent it moving on the single screw) ...
Once this was done, the stay was attached (clicked in), and the position for the pivot could be marked for drilling ...
And the rest (drilling, grooving and morticing for the stay) is, as they say, history.
Regards from Perth