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Full Version: Some quilted maple cabinets
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Outstanding craftsmanship and amazing wood!
Boy, those had to have been a royal PITA to build. Quilted big leaf maple is one of the most difficult woods I ever worked with. Even a helical head planer will not give you a smooth surface. The only thing I have found that works is a wide belt sander or a really sharp hand plane. I think if someone asked my to do those I would have run screaming in the opposite direction. You must be a glutton for punishment.  The whole project turned out fantastic. I would guess it is a little too much for most people’s taste but I have customers who request very similar things. I love figured wood but it is easy to let the wood overshadow the overall project. Of course the person who is writing the check is always right. Well at least almost always. Laugh
If Grand Canyon is a ditch, if Everest is a hill, these were a PITA!
I was young. You're right to avoid work like this. The maple was soft and stringy in a way that words cannot describe. I'd conservatively estimate that 66% of the work was following the original task and dolling up the results. Between burn marks and stringy fibers that would not be cut, I killed myself finishing this. No bid too high for this.
Couldn't you find some clear stock that wasn't all splotchy?
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