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Full Version: Just got my frame back from the framers (pics attached)
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Bucko and oakey, thanks for the complements! And a lot of the reason I even got this leaf was because I'm planning to become a History teacher in the near future, and when going over the Reformation, I think it'll be WAY better to have a piece of the history right there rather than just hearing about it. Plus I do have other antique books, and I intend to grow my collection slowly but surely and display it at book fairs whenever I can. That way people who want to be able to see (and even hold and flip through) books that are 200+ years old and somewhat rare without traveling far or breaking the bank can do so. Plus, as I mentioned, they can actually handle the books, which is something that I'm sure most museums won't let you do.

And Cooler, I actually had the framing done at Michael's. IĀ checked the receipt, and besides just saying the material is acid free, it lists "preservation" as something separate they charged me for. They also list "preservation fit" as another separate item, which I think means the backing that seals the frame, so I think theĀ "preservation" means something else was done to ensure that the page will last. I'm sure it'll be fine.
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