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porch screens are 3ft x 6ft, 
three frames need new screens that have held up well given that it's on northside of house and NH does have a fondness for nor'easters!
always used aluminum but wondered if fiberglass is better.
google'd and found each has its advantage & disadvantage. 

your thoughts????
Check out polyester screening. Tougher than fiberglass, won’t crease like aluminum. Porch has large screened sections up to 5’ wide and 7.5’ tall. No issues after three years yet…still looks great.
My only comment is regarding color. Darker is easier to see through.
I used polyester; made some screens larger than yours for 20+ years.
Used some dark sun minimizing screen for a west facing sliding back door.SadSadSad

Learned quickly it was not a good thing to stand close and look out----made us dizzy.
poly or fiberglass are much easier to DIY.

HOld up pretty well too.
We always replace aluminum with dark fiberglass. Much easier to see through.