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Full Version: Excellent video on how to use a gouges
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Both of them are worthy to watch.

I saw Mark's videos several years ago, tried his slicing technique, and became a believer. It works! These videos are more than worthy to watch, Arlin. The technique is worthy of adopting. I almost cringe now when a turner in our club scraping then cleaning away the rough surface with 80 grit.

Think about it for a minute. When you wanted to get a smooth surface with your first pocketknife then tour first hand chisel and finally with your first block plane, you tried to cut downhill with the grain. If you had to cut across the grain, you moved the blade to slice because you got an easier and smoother cut. That's what Mark is preaching. It's something we all learned when we were 6 with our first pocketknife but somehow forgot as we got fancier ways of putting a sharp edge against a piece of wood.