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Hand tools and arthritis ? - Printable Version

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RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - iclark - 01-19-2018

LV offers Optional Grips for the Veritas low-angle block plane with options for either tote or rat tail in addition to a knob option.

I do not know if LN offers anything similar.

RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - hbmcc - 01-19-2018

Coffee? I just updated my Costco card for their ground coffee. One of the few *cheap* good things there.

To kill the dead, buzzing pain in wrists and fingers, I shake forearms and hands in as loose an action as possible. That's good for a few. 
Crazy    The constant arthritic ache just goes on. I am getting used to it. Back, shoulders, and legs are the alarm clocks for change of position.

RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - Timberwolf - 01-19-2018

(01-18-2018, 02:28 PM)AHill Wrote: I don't have arthritis in my hands, but I can see it happening some day.  I have trigger finger in one of the fingers in my right hand, which sometimes locks up when I grab something and it's pretty painful getting it unlocked. Best alternative I can think of for you is to look at some of the larger block planes.  The LV block plane is larger than the LN 60-1/2, so that's probably one of the larger "small" block planes out there.

I am suffering that also Alan...My middle finger on my right hand has it pretty bad and it hurts to release something if I close my hand too tightly...like anything smaller than a steering wheel..I have had two trigger finger release surgeries in the recent past and I don't want another, but may have to get it anyway. Makes it tough to do any "in-hand" whittling when you can't let go of the knife.

RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - MichaelMouse - 01-19-2018

(01-19-2018, 11:35 AM)hbmcc Wrote: Coffee? I just updated my Costco card for their ground coffee. One of the few *cheap* good things there.

To kill the dead, buzzing pain in wrists and fingers, I shake forearms and hands in as loose an action as possible. That's good for a few. 
Crazy    The constant arthritic ache just goes on. I am getting used to it. Back, shoulders, and legs are the alarm clocks for change of position.

Based on a couple fairly shaky Finnish studies, actually.  


Others disagree that the increased incidence of a "marker" leads to RA.


RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - Bill_Houghton - 01-19-2018

(01-19-2018, 11:35 AM)hbmcc Wrote: To kill the dead, buzzing pain in wrists and fingers, I shake forearms and hands in as loose an action as possible. That's good for a few. 
Crazy    The constant arthritic ache just goes on. I am getting used to it. Back, shoulders, and legs are the alarm clocks for change of position.
See if your doctor will refer you to a physical therapist who specializes in hands (and adjoining body parts).  I got a referral when I was having trouble, and learned some really useful exercises.

RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - hbmcc - 01-19-2018

(01-19-2018, 02:29 PM)Bill_Houghton Wrote: See if your doctor will refer you to a physical therapist who specializes in hands (and adjoining body parts).  I got a referral when I was having trouble, and learned some really useful exercises.

What? Who, me! Exercise? 

Yah, I have done PT over the years, taken designer drug combos after burning up my guts on NSAIDs, and now shuffle through the positions to relieve aches. 

Chris should look into options, if not yet done so. PT does help.

RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - hbmcc - 01-19-2018

(01-19-2018, 01:32 PM)MichaelMouse Wrote: Based on a couple fairly shaky Finnish studies, actually.  


Others disagree that the increased incidence of a "marker" leads to RA.


Shaky. That's me! I wonder if coffee is the new sugar is the new tobacco conspiracy? Water is my drink. And coffee.

RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - bandit571 - 01-20-2018

One month of saving empty cans to recycle = 17 pounds.    15 pounds of Mountain Dew cans, 1 pound of Pepsi and  another in Beer cans...

I get 40 hours notice whenever a storm is coming in......knees act up, hands don't want to grip.   Had to give up bowling, when the fingers were making more noise than the pins..

Can NOT hold onto an Estwing handle.    Fingers do not curve the right way.   I tend to like big handles...

Spinal Stenosis Lumbar, from 40+ years driving forklifts on the docks.....and a touch of the same at the base of the neck.. 

When getting up out of bed sounds like a bowl of Rice Krispies...snap, crackle..POP!   

I simply make do...

RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - Bob10 - 01-20-2018

(01-19-2018, 01:07 PM)Timberwolf Wrote: ............
I am suffering that also Alan...My middle finger on my right hand has it pretty bad and it hurts to release something if I close my hand too tightly...like anything smaller than a steering wheel..I have had two trigger finger release surgeries in the recent past and I don't want another, but may have to get it anyway. Makes it tough to do any "in-hand" whittling when you can't let go of the knife.

I have that trigger finger happening.  I was at family party and one of the people invited from the outside is a guy that does physical therapy for a lot of pro athletes, so as I am showing my brother the new trick with my finger this guy comes over and started working the muscle in my fore arm.  Damned if the finger didn't pop open like a switch blade.  The muscle work hurt like hell but it did seem to free up the finger a bit.  He said it was a muscle issue that was actually further upstream.  I don't know if that is true but when the finger gets to the point it sticks every time I do something I massage the hell out of the top muscle closest the bend of my arm.  I had my wife using a rolling pin on it a couple of times loosens up for a while.  When it gets stuck and I need it to pop working the joint at the base of the finger where it hinges will get it to release too but again that can be painful.

RE: Hand tools and arthritis ? - daddo - 01-20-2018

When it became difficult for me to play the Guitar, I decided to see what I could do.
I found out things we eat that causes inflammation also causes arthritis to flare up.  A bad digestion track also makes it flare up.
Processed sugars were the worst. Anything with sugar in it was a bad thing- especially artificial sugars we use that is suppose to be better for us. Soft drinks must go as they are the worst- especially diet sodas. Any foods that are boxed or packaged must go as well as breads and flour foods. Hard or deep fried foods- especially overheated fried foods. Real butter is good- eat all you want, just don't heat it up to brown on the stove- I lightly saute' my foods with butter. Plenty of water, stay hydrated, but not tap water with fluorides and other poisons it sometimes has. I notice a flare up when I wander off this regime.
  Fresh Garlic, fresh cherries and Ginger help me the most.

I do exercises to loosen the fingers up like this;

 I find these exercises also help with anything like working with tools. I try and keep the hands moving and don't strain them or over work them.

  Doesn't directly answer your question, but maybe this will help you.