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Lumber Run - Printable Version

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RE: Lumber Run - bandit571 - 05-08-2023

Am about 3 planks short....will have to re-supply, today...

Planks are being used up...to build an Ash version of Norm Abrams English Garden Bench.

Currently have the end frames done, just need to make the arm rests.   Mine will be flat...easier to set the glasses on.   3 rails are done....a front rail, and the 2 back rails, with the crest rail being a bit more curvy.    Just about done milling 15 slats to go between the back rails....and I'm about ready to chop the 30 mortises to house them.  

Will see how this week goes...

RE: Lumber Run - bandit571 - 05-09-2023

Plan for the side frames of the Bench....
As completed, except for the arm rests..
Piece of scrap to show how planks for the seat will get spaced out...Scrap is 2" wide....may go with a wider size?

Bench will be 4' wide.

RE: Lumber Run - bandit571 - 05-09-2023

Bottom rail for the back of the bench's seat...needed 15 mortises chopped..
Done.   Matching up to the Crest rail..
And got a start on those 15...
only 9 more to go....these will hold the slats for the back of the bench...
set 3" on center.....

Stay tuned...

RE: Lumber Run - stav - 05-10-2023

Looking good. This is a project I have wanted to tackle but never had the time. I'll be watching this one.

RE: Lumber Run - bandit571 - 05-14-2023

Gluing up all 14 slats into the bottom and the Crest rail....with just 2 hands...was a bit of a challenge....

Added two planks to the top of the tablesaw/assembly table....brushed glue on the tenons...slide each into place to where there are barely in the mortises...then clamp the entire mess up tight.....check the diagonals a few time....hammer and a block of wood to "adjust" until both read 56-3/8".....One clamp had to be moved to the underside..
As it was trying the pull the rail up....

Today?    working on the frames a bit....had to relocate the Crest rail's  mortises.....using a Dutchman patch...

Dutchman patches can either be decorative or they can disappear....
What patch?

So..for today's excursion to the shop....both frames need all the edges rounded over....need to figure out the mid seat support piece, and get it cut.  Will see how things go.

Plan WAS to have 15 slats in the back. 3" on center....Slat #15?
Is still on the bench..
Because there is no Mortise for it.....count the slats.

Film at 2300 hrs..I hope....names changed to protect the guilty, of course..stay tuned...

RE: Lumber Run - bandit571 - 05-21-2023

From this glue up...
To this glue up...

Arm rests need a square hole, to fit a square,wedged Tenon into..
Attached to the back with a counter sunk screw..
This one has 2..because of a split that was going on...Once I found out how long to cut the seat slats..
Top edges were rounded over...then the slats installed with counter sunk screws..
Center support for the slats   test drive?
yep...about time for a Guinness Draught Stout?  

Stay tuned..

RE: Lumber Run - Bill Holt - 05-22-2023

Nice job Bandit.  As a garden bench, are you going to put on a finish or let it weather?

RE: Lumber Run - stav - 05-22-2023

1+ on what Bill said.  

Looks like a good spot for a Guinness or two.

RE: Lumber Run - bandit571 - 05-22-2023

Minwax "Gunstock" stain...then a coat of gloss poly..
View around back..
There are plastic pads nailed to the feet...
To isolate the end grain feet from the Concrete patio....bench has since been moved to the inside of the Gazebo...

Awaiting the Boss, as she wants cushions on the seat...

RE: Lumber Run - MarkSingleton - 05-22-2023

I like that very much Bandit. Thanks for posting another great build.