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A Possible Project? - Printable Version

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RE: A Possible Project? - Bob10 - 11-02-2019

I know this wasn't the take away some got but the thing that struck me was that hand saw didn't have a cord and could have been used outside.
Then again I brought 14 pieces of steel 18' 4" long in through the dining room window only difference was they were already cut at finished dimension and weighed just over a ton as a group.  Oh yeah I took the drill press outside to put the holes in them.  Had to make a special cart because moving the drill press was easier than all that steel.

RE: A Possible Project? - bandit571 - 11-02-2019

Clamps came off...ends needed squared off...
Get out the speed square...lay out 2 lines, the one I want to cut, and the one for the guide..
Distance between the blade, and the edge of the saw's foot plate...clamp the guide in place..
And make a cut...the saw?
A Vintage SKIL saw...
Figure how much I need off the other end, and make a cut,  after rotating the blank around, and clamping everything down.  The start work on one "face"
Stanley No. 5-1/2.....got this face done...feet were cramping up, T-shirt was trying to run away.
Eek ...time to quit for a day or two...

stay tuned...
Winkgrin .seems this will be a raised panel....for a frame and panel door...

RE: A Possible Project? - bandit571 - 11-04-2019

That Stanley No. 5-1/2 was getting heavy, and was just polishing the high spots..
No .so..
When I laid the plane on it's side...this faces was high right down the middle....the plane?  
WR No. 62....and was used across the grain.   It IS a jack plane, after all.
Confused   Seemed to cut down the high spots...
Panel is now flat.   needed to set the panel aside for a few days...
Added clamps and cauls, so it would stay flat....cross cuts and rips were next..
2 rail blanks, and 2 stile blanks....need to be S4S, grooved, and mortise and tenoned to make a frame....then size the panel to fit, then hand planes to make it a raised panel....might take a day or two..

Stay tuned..

RE: A Possible Project? - bandit571 - 11-04-2019

Got bored, today
Rolleyes , decided to Phiddle-Pharte around in the shop.    New belts for the belt sander...NEW tape measure, as my other 4 have gone awol...and some fancy hinges....

Frame parts are now S4S...
rails have been cut to length.   all 4 parts are now 3/4" thick.  Was easier to set up the tablesaw( once I uncovered it..
Uhoh ) and resaw the parts so they all matched each other...

Plough plane will get "dusted off" tomorrow....have grooves to make...
Stay tuned..

RE: A Possible Project? - bandit571 - 11-05-2019

About an hour and a half in the shop, today....already worn out...
So...grooves are done..
Haunched tenons done..
4 mortises chopped...
Test fit onto the cabinet...
Panel has been trimmed to size...need to decide which way to show the panel's grain...
This way?  Or, turn it the other way..

Stay tuned...will try to make it into a raised panel, next time in the shop...

RE: A Possible Project? - bandit571 - 11-08-2019

Hmmm, ok...mark some lay out lines.   More like "stop" lines...
Decide which face of the panel is the "inside", set the combo square at 1/2".   Mark the line from the inside of the panel,  what is the "outside" of this line is where the bevel stops.   then, mark a second line on the outside face...
By resetting the combo square to 1-1/4".   I start on both end grain ends.   Hand planes to plane a bevel until both stop lines are cut..
One done, rotate the panel, and do the other end..
Then redo the jig..
With a layout line.   Trying for a "mitered" look at the corners.   Instead of the #3 and #4 smooth planes, I can use a longer jack plane on the 23" long sides..
Used both a Millers Falls #14, and the #11 sized jacks.  Both long grain bevels were done this way..
Outside of the panel has been "raised"...made quite a pile of shavings...
Maybe later today..I can rebate the inside of the panel, and get it fitted to the grooves in the door's frame.   Will try to use...
The Wards #78, at least for the cross grain cuts, may set up the Stanley 45 for the long grain cuts.   Maybe a glue up, after that?   Then lay out for some hinges..
Stay tuned

RE: A Possible Project? - bandit571 - 11-08-2019

Had found a way to get consistent rebates....I cut the side wall first...so I get a straight wall, at the right width and depth...makes things easier to then plane away the waste...less work, too..
Run all 4 edges along the fence...
Then clamp the panel to the bench, and the #78 can remove the waste..
And do a test fit...
Then the other end grain was done...then set up for the long grain cuts..
And use both the #78, and an older rebate plane....and then a test fit, again...
That old rebate plane?
Worked decent enough, doesn't have a depth stop.   Got all rebates done, added a back bevel..
Then sanded everything done....and made a glue up, using the end vise as a helping hand...
Checked for square, added the cauls...
Will let this mess sit a day....

Stay tuned

RE: A Possible Project? - bandit571 - 11-09-2019

Door is out of the clamps.  sanded smooth.   Outside edges were rounded over, 3/8" roundover bit....went to fit the door to the cabinet...
Only to find the shelves had spread the case a bit near the top..
Upset  Planed the excess off....worked on installing the hinges...
Took a while.....I also dug out the plug cutter, and some Walnut scrap...
And plugged a few counter-bores...finally, got the door installed, and cussed out
Rolleyes  PIP?
close that door...
and, from the side, note the hinges, among other things..
I was going to add a coat of stain and a latch...neither of which is in the shop...stain is, brushes aren't

Maybe later, I can get a coat of stain done?
Stay tuned..

RE: A Possible Project? - bandit571 - 11-11-2019

Gunstock stain, and a coat of Amber Shellac....waiting on a latch....PIP?
Camera flash gave things an orange-ish hue...
And, without the flash...
A view of the side, that needs the latch
Winkgrin ...
A look inside, with the flash again....imagine this full of DVD/ Music CD cases....

So, may go with just the shellac, or maybe a topcoat of clear gloss.....and add the latch.  Depending on the latch, may add a handle to the door....

Build seems to be about done

Thanks for following along.   Anyone want to see this thing when it is in place beside the Computer Desk?   Stay tuned...

RE: A Possible Project? - BpB123 - 11-11-2019

Thanks Bandit!

I really enjoy your build-a-longs.

thanks for sharing
