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Had to lodge a complaint with the BBB on Powermatic - Printable Version

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+-- Thread: Had to lodge a complaint with the BBB on Powermatic (/showthread.php?tid=7372058)

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RE: Had to lodge a complaint with the BBB on Powermatic - Arlin Eastman - 02-06-2023

I wish they would have responed faster and have their phone systems and emails working like they should.  Other then that I just want it working again.  Now I am thinking about getting a mini or midi lathe and not give it away this time.

with all the small stuff we do it just makes since to have a smaller lathe to.

RE: Had to lodge a complaint with the BBB on Powermatic - woodworker501 - 02-07-2023

It is a shame that a once great manufacturer, including Delta and General once they sell out to China product support goes out the window.