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Delta 18x36 problem - Printable Version

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Delta 18x36 problem - John Mihich - 07-18-2015

I have a 18x36 drum sander. The table is really hard to raise up and down. Today I took it all apart (table and adjustment parts) and cleaned and oiled everything. There are not issues with any of the bearings and the screws are like new. It still raises up hard; better though. I don't remember it being that hard when I first got it about 10 years ago.

The table is really heavy so maybe I'm just not remembering well. I do think Delta could have put a better gear ratio on the lifting mechanism.

Re: Delta 18x36 problem - jteneyck - 07-18-2015

Mine is the same - seems to be the nature of this beast. A larger diameter hand wheel would be helpful, if it didn't lead to stripping the plastic gears more easily.


Re: Delta 18x36 problem - closed for business - 07-21-2015

Spray lube, and make sure you barely tighten the large chromed nuts at the base of each stud. If you have them too tight, the bearings don't move smoothly. i had similar issue. cleaning and keeping the nuts a little looser fixed it right up.