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The Ad-Vice, a very special wooden vice - Printable Version

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The Ad-Vice, a very special wooden vice - KlausK. - 07-27-2015

Hello woodworkers,

for a few months, I'm the lucky owner of the Ad-Vice from Douglas Coates.


A tool that doesn't only work stunningly but that allows to be customized to your needs as well.


A full review can be seen here



Re: The Ad-Vice, a very special wooden vice - Arlin Eastman - 07-27-2015

That looks like it would be really nice to do dovetails and carvings on.

Since I know now make threads in wood in 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", and 1 1/2" I am wondering how easy it is to make this vise.

I would really love to have any vise but this one really appeals to me.


Re: The Ad-Vice, a very special wooden vice - hbmcc - 07-27-2015

I will be back a couple more times to read your post, Klaus. Thanks, much.

Re: The Ad-Vice, a very special wooden vice - Heavansabove - 07-27-2015

Great work Klaus. I have a Carvers Vice which is similar in some ways - but this is much more versatile. I need to get my thinking cap on.