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Chuck jaw help ?? - Printable Version

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Chuck jaw help ?? - SDB777 - 08-20-2015

Having purchased the Nova 1624 not long ago, I wanted a 'manly' chuck! And I purchased the Titan with the 4" powergrip(blah, blah) jaws.

Now I'm looking to get another set of jaws. But do I go with 75mm or 50mm?

The jaws will be used mostly for outside gripping on small-ish platters. Thoughts????

Scott (inquiring minds need a grip) B

Re: Chuck jaw help ?? - ChuckO1234 - 08-20-2015

If you buy another Nova chuck, it will come with 50 mm jaws. I have 4 G3s to avoid having to change jaws.

Re: Chuck jaw help ?? - NCPaladin - 08-20-2015

First I am not sure of your "outside gripping". Is that gripping as in the outside of a tenon or gripping from the outside of the jaws as in a recess?
The specs are very different for tenon operation between the 50mm and 75mm. In expansion there is a 1 inch difference. In compression the 50mm will grip down to about 1 -5/8 and the 75 mm grips down to about 1- 13/16. Because the jaws are so thick on the 75mm there is only about 1/4" difference in the two for tenon operation.

Another you may consider are the 70mm which grips down to 2-1/4" tenon. These are one of my go to sets for lots of things. They are made similar to the 50mm in the thickness of the jaws.

Re: Chuck jaw help ?? - MichaelMouse - 08-21-2015

I have the 75mm, actually 81, IIRC. When I do tenons, I use them. They hold nicely, having a broad face to register on the shoulder of larger pieces, and yet go small enough to work a 2X2. Since it is a wedge hold, you may safely use it -shouldered - at greater diameter than the first point of circularity.

I do have 4" jaws, and they can hold anything I can lift in either a mortise or tenon configuration. I seldom use them for bowls, mostly for boxes and lids. What I use for almost anything else are the 50mm, but only in the expanding mode.

Re: Chuck jaw help ?? - NCPaladin - 08-21-2015

To further confuse the issue.... if you decide on the 50mm bowl jaws you may consider the 45mm spigot jaws.
Bowl jaws are sized by the exterior and spigot jaws are measured by the interior.

For tenon/recess the 50mm bowl are 41/51 and the 45mm spigot are 42/52; only 1 mm difference.
The spigot jaws gives you over an inch length for spindle mount which means you can work 6-7" out for smaller hollow forms or other items. I have several chucks and use the 45mm spigots, I haven't had the 50mm bowl jaws mounted in many years.