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Where do you buy Transtint? - Printable Version

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Where do you buy Transtint? - MstrCarpenter - 10-07-2015

I need to bring some 80's era golden oak cabinets into the 21st century. Customer has taken very good care of them, and except for the dated style , they still look pretty good. Almost black is selling now but we don't want to go that dark; wood grain you can actually see is a nice concept. I was thinking tinted (lacquer based) sealer, followed with a coat of M.L. Campbell pre-cat, in semi. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. I have not used Trans Tint so color and supplier suggestions are also requested.


Re: Where do you buy Transtint? - JR1 - 10-08-2015

You can go to homestead, but Woodcraft, rockler and even Amazon carry them.

I'd use shellac then a good waterborne finish like GF or Cryystalac.

Re: Where do you buy Transtint? - Howard Acheson - 10-08-2015

If these are kitchen cabinets, keep in mind that you must thoroughly clean the surface before attempting to apply a new finish. Surfaces in kitchens are the most heavily contaminated of any surfaces. Airborne steams contain greases and oils. Years of cleaning with cleaners used in the kitchen add further contaminates. I use TSP followed by wiping down with mineral spirits. Then I apply a coat of dewaxed shellac as my initial

Finally, be sure to test out your complete finishing schedule on the back of a door or on a shelf. No tears.