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tape measure - Printable Version

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tape measure - weelis - 01-02-2016

My eyes are dim I cannot see. Anyone know a source for tape measures with larger numbers? I can read the whole numbers but the fractions are very difficult. Thanx

Re: tape measure - RJT123 - 01-02-2016


Re: tape measure - Steve N - 01-02-2016

Another thing you can do for measuring inside distances is not use a tape measure at all, just 2 pieces that will adjust from small to large by sliding over each other.

Lee Valley makes a dandy Or make your own with wood, or metal. You just need 2 pieces with a combined length larger than your project. pull them apart and clamp. screw, or just hold them to the length you like, then make pieces 1/16 of an inch shorter than that to slide into something, or exact to make them tight. This method actually will make it much easier if you have a box, frame, carcase, that you need to make parts to fit into it.

If you are making more than one item the same as others, like kitchen cabinets, it pays to just make Story Sticks

Re: tape measure - cputnam - 01-02-2016

Go see your eye doc, especially about cataracts. New lenses worked wonders for me.

Re: tape measure - Steve N - 01-02-2016

Yes seeing the eye Doctor is a smart move, especially if the change has seemed sudden, sometimes it really isn't just "old age" Says the 61 year old guy with one cataract fixed, and one soon to be.

Re: tape measure - chips ahoy - 01-02-2016

cputnam said:

Go see your eye doc, especially about cataracts. New lenses worked wonders for me.

Same here, I am 70 years old, wore glasses since grade school, now just need cheap reading glasses.


Re: tape measure - weelis - 01-02-2016

Been to the eye doc. This was his suggestion !

Re: tape measure - John Mihich - 01-02-2016

I wore glasses almost my whole life. After I started controlling my sugar my eyes got better. Doc said it was not unusual - I'm fine with that. I don't wear glasses at all now. I do have issues with dim light though. Saw the doc - he said the obvious - us more light. So I installed task lighting on most my machines. He said as we get older our eyes need more light. He said that night driving for older folks is more difficult.

Going to the doc is really a cheap way to make sure everything is okay. Of course something could be causing issues. With medicare they will pay if the doc bills it right. Better to find out now and see if something can be done. Eye docs can do amazing things now.