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cracked mallet - Printable Version

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cracked mallet - RichK - 01-03-2016

I bought an old homemade mallet this weekend. I think it's beech, but not sure. There are cracks in the face and sides. Would it slow expansion of the cracks if I fill the cracks with epoxy?


Re: cracked mallet - handi - 01-03-2016

I would NOT add epoxy to the cracks. If anything, it will make them worse.

Looks to me like it was turned when still a bit green and the cracks appeared as it dried. My guess is that they have been there for a lot of years.

Use it and enjoy it, compare today's photos with the mallet as you use it to make sure they are not propagating.


Re: cracked mallet - RichK - 01-03-2016

Thanks, Ralph. Why would epoxy make things worse? To my knowledge, epoxy does not expand.

Re: cracked mallet - John Mihich - 01-03-2016

I'd use it the way it is. I have one similar, not as big, and it has a crack. I can't tell when I use it that the crack is there.

Re: cracked mallet - AHill - 01-03-2016

Looks like it was turned green to me, too. Not sure if having the pith in the center made it prone to cracking, but it could exacerbate cracking. Use it as-is. Epoxy will cure very hard. If you then strike things, the wood won't compress as much; the epoxy will act as a wedge, forcing the crack to get wider. That would be my best evaluation.

Re: cracked mallet - handi - 01-03-2016

Rich, the wood will expand and contract seasonally a lot more than the epoxy. If the wood tries to move and the epoxy does not let the crack close, then the crack can grow.

Don't ask how I know, lol


Re: cracked mallet - MichaelMouse - 01-04-2016

RichK said:

I bought an old homemade mallet this weekend. I think it's beech, but not sure. There are cracks in the face and sides. Would it slow expansion of the cracks if I fill the cracks with epoxy?


Leave alone, store in a damp sack. My brief fling at Moulthropism left me with some PEG 1000, which I use to soak my mallets. Gives them extra mass, prevents contraction cracks, and softens the blow a bit for the sake of my elbow.

Re: cracked mallet - deepsplinter - 01-04-2016

Would a little bit of thin CA glue help?

Just asking.

Re: cracked mallet - YSU65 - 01-04-2016

I turned mine from a maple branch that fell in the yard. It has cracked because it was not completely dry when turned. But it is a hammer, I hit things with it. The crack does not affect performance. I have some apple that will be used for the next one that will drier, don't know how it will turn out.

Re: cracked mallet - Admiral - 01-04-2016

The utility companies were cutting down some Osage Orange along the road, about 2 years ago I picked up some logs, they've been drying since. This may motivate me to slice up some of it and turn another mallet.