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My last project of 2015 - Printable Version

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My last project of 2015 - Jonathan S - 01-04-2016

I finished up a jewelry box for my step daughter. Birdseye maple, walnut, African mahogany and osage orange. Other than the thicknessing of the maple everything else was done with hand tools. The finish is blonde shellac and wax. Her favorite colors are yellow and blue which accounts for the odd color combination. Sending it off for her birthday next week I hope she likes it.

Thanks for looking.

Re: My last project of 2015 - Skip J. - 01-04-2016

Excellent work Jonathan!

Osage orange is everywhere down here, a weed in the woods actually.. where did you find some there???

Re: My last project of 2015 - Joe Connors - 01-04-2016

That is beautiful! She will love it. I really like the color combination of the blue lining with the overall color and tone of the box.

Re: My last project of 2015 - C. in Indy - 01-04-2016

That is very beautiful! Most impressive work.

Re: My last project of 2015 - eg54string - 01-04-2016

Beautiful box. I really like the tray and lid.

Re: My last project of 2015 - Jonathan S - 01-04-2016

Thanks folks. It was a fun project.
