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A Sad Day - Broken Tool - Printable Version

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A Sad Day - Broken Tool - enjuneer - 01-08-2016

It is a sad day. My beloved Disston 3D saw sharpening vise BROKE. The body casting literally cracked in half -- right in the middle of a sharpening job, of course. The worst part is that the saw fell on the floor when the break happened. Fortunately, it landed on my foot...

Does anyone happen to have an extra vise that they would be willing to sell? Parts would be fine too. All I need is the main body.

I may consider welding this one, but I'd still like to find another.

Thanks for your help.

Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - Scott W - 01-08-2016

Know a welder?

Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - Admiral - 01-08-2016

Bummer. Love mine. I'll be on the lookout, but I've seen many with that same repair. A talented welder can fix it, I'm told welding iron can be tricky. I'll be on the lookout for you, but all,is not lost.

Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - lilrichard2 - 01-08-2016

enjuneer said:

Does anyone happen to have an extra vise that they would be willing to sell?

I have two. I'll get the best one out tomorrow morning and have it on the way to you.


Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - enjuneer - 01-08-2016

lilrichard2 said:

I have two. I'll get the best one out tomorrow morning and have it on the way to you. r2

Wow, Richard is willing to let go of one of his vises. I feel honored indeed!

Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - lilrichard2 - 01-08-2016

enjuneer said:

Wow, Richard is willing to let go of one of his vises. I feel honored indeed!


I have several more bench vises available - you would be surprised to see what lurks in the boneyard - just need time to clean them up before offering them for sale.


Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - Steve N - 01-08-2016

Scott W said:

Know a welder?

^^^^^^^ THIS

About 1/2 the saw vices I've seen in the wild had some welding somewhere, almost an expectation on some models

Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - Steve N - 01-08-2016

Being a recent recipient of Richards good will. He is an exceptional Man

Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - Axehandle - 01-09-2016

Steve N said:

Being a recent recipient of Richards good will. He is an exceptional Man

Me too. And ditto.

Re: A Sad Day - Broken Tool - MarvW - 01-09-2016

Hey Bob,

You probably already know this, but your vise is Disston's first model. Evidently, they were prone to breaking, so Disston redesigned the vise and added a rib for reinforcement around the outer main casting. I'm not sure that the old rib-less castings are interchangeable with the newer ribbed type. I have interchanged the other parts though. I have some parts laying around. I'll check a little later and see if I have a main casting like yours. If so, you are welcome to it if Richards main frame doesn't work out for you. It's 2:35 am and raining really hard here in northern Calif. I'll go down to the shop when the rain lets up. I'd go now, but my shop is under, I mean, below where my wife is sleeping. I don't want to wake her up.... believe me, I do not want to wake that woman up this early in the morning.