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What would you pay - Printable Version

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What would you pay - JTTHECLOCKMAN - 02-21-2016

A board of American black walnut 5/4 S2 Grade A+ 11-1/2" wide 9 ' Beautiful perfect board, no sap wood naturally dried.

What would a board like this go for??

Re: What would you pay - Axehandle - 02-21-2016

11/ft here. I would not pay that but that is what it is going for here. I would be willing to give more like $6/ft.

The nature of the board has no bearing on me so I will not pay extra for an extra nice board. I can pick and choose my lumber and generally I can find clear ones with no sapwood.

Re: What would you pay - Steve N - 02-21-2016

Frank Miller gets some really nice Walnut, so they usually have some on hand that is WOW wood.

The way they sort it would just be S&B, which at 5/4 is $6.93 bd/ft my price.

Their really insane stuff is usually curly, and for that you would be at $8.50

Within the sort it's never hard to find some zero to real minimal sap, and for it to be S&B it won't have knots. Usually you can go to 12" wider than that has a way of getting on the trucks going to Gibson, and Fender. Walnut, Cherry, and fidddleback Maple, all tend to flow to those guys.

Re: What would you pay - JTTHECLOCKMAN - 02-21-2016

Thanks all.