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Skim coating a painted wall? - Printable Version

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Skim coating a painted wall? - BillN - 03-28-2016

I'm planning to skim coat my back porch area because the walls are a little rough, textured in places and not in others, some flaking. Removing the paint isn't a realistic option - 65 years worth of it, at least some of it lead based.

After watching a few YouTube videos and reading a few articles online here's my 'subject to change' plan:

Patch holes, scrape loose paint off, wash with TSP, prime with a bonding agent if I can find one. Several articles, videos used setting type mixed a little thinner than normal and rolled on with a 3/4" nap paint roller - then trowel smooth with a squeegee type trowel.

I don't have a large area to do, most of the walls are going to be behind cabinets.

Anyone have any advice?

Thanks, Bill

Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - Snipe Hunter - 03-28-2016


I've done it two ways.
1. Pulled off all the moldings and outlet covers then put 1/4" sheetrock over it and added 1/4" spacers on the outlets and cut and nailed in 1/4" extension jambs. I had a living room with glued paneling which when removed, destroyed the wall.

2. I mixed hot (45 minute) mud a little thin, applied and sanded. You will have to sand out any flaking paint. It's a lot of sanding but I would do this if it was a small area.

I haven't tried a squeegee. You really need a good straight mud knife, at least 10"-12" in my opinion. But, if you've seen it done with a squeegee and it worked, I've learned something. That just seems to me like you'll be doing a lot of sanding down high spots.

Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - Curlycherry - 03-28-2016

I've done it and it actually works pretty well, even for a drywall hack like me. The key is to mix the mud a little thinner and use a good, and I mean really good trowel like a Marshalltown trowel. I used a 20" one and was able to get things darn smooth. Then I used a screen on a Fein shop vac to sand the wall and I got it as smooth as fresh drywall. It was a bit of work but I got it in one coat and sanding.

Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - Robert Adams - 03-28-2016

I have done it several times as I hate wall texture and it's very common here and much of it is thick...

Inside I clean sand off the high stuff and trowel on with a wide knife then go back over with the squeegee. Much faster and better finish quickly than just using a knife.

Outside areas dunnow. Never seen drywall outside other than garages which imo it's not a good material for garages as the moisture will bring the tape down eventually.

Also for skim coating I find hot mud much easier because it sets up quicker. Regular mud takes too long to dry and will get damaged by passers by and hot mud makes a slightly harder surface.

Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - Estrogen Hostage - 03-28-2016

Never did anything differently. Normal trowel and normal mud. Put it on and sand when smooth. A power sander helps.

Scrape the wall before you start. All those little flecks in the paint will be the band or your existence.

Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - Cooler - 03-28-2016

My brother-in-law's younger brother worked for a movie set builder in California for a while. He said that they routinely built home interior sets using 1/4" birch ply instead of sheetrock (I assume because of weight considerations). To make it appear like sheetrock they thinned the mud and applied it with a paint roller, flattened and sanded. So I know that method works.

But make sure you use the right type of mud. Some specifically state "not for skim coating".

Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - BillN - 03-28-2016

I guess I didn't specify, it's indoors, off my kitchen - I'm going to put storage cabinets in.

Did any of you prime or use a bonding agent before putting the mud on? Did you do the ceiling too? There's a crack in mine, I can probably just scrape and patch that.

What kind of mud did you use?

I hate texture too, the whole house has it.

Thanks, Bill

Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - Woodenfish - 03-30-2016

I would recommend Kilz PRO-X High Build P40 Primer. It's available in one and five gallon containers. Spraying is best but you can roll it if needed.

Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - Lynden - 03-30-2016

Here is some information re: using a Magic Trowel squeegee.



Re: Skim coating a painted wall? - Cooler - 03-31-2016

Lynden said:

Here is some information re: using a Magic Trowel squeegee.



I ordered the magic trowel and it will arrive tomorrow. Does anyone know what type of roller to use?