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Help me post pics - Printable Version

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Help me post pics - rwe2156 - 05-16-2016

What's the trick?

I can't find any info on the site.

Re: Help me post pics - JGrout - 05-16-2016

you need a 3rd party host to post pics here.

so Photobucket or picasa with the correct permissions work.

once you upload the pics there you have to copy and paste the url links using the code.

Re: Help me post pics - jteneyck - 05-16-2016

It's in the Questions section a few doors down: Link. A search of "posting pictures" finds it easily.


Re: Help me post pics - TDKPE - 05-16-2016

I use tinypic.com for most stuff these days. No signup. No account. But no album in return. But you can upload a pic and get a url quick and easy. Use the url (second line) with img and /img code at the ends, copy and paste that directly into your post. Leave a blank line before and after for best readability.

Oh, and it won't scale your picture, so make sure it's not huge before you upload it. Resize it if it is, either in tinypic, or using some other editing software (like MS Office Picture Manager, which is easy to use), so you don't put up a giant picture which causes everyone to scroll side to side to read the other posts on the page. Use the 'preview' button to make sure it's ok before clicking 'submit'.

Click 'quote' to see what the pic above looks like in the buff.

Re: Help me post pics - petertay15 - 05-16-2016

I, too, am frustrated by the difficulty in posting pix here. I even asked one of the moderators to review what I was doing, but that didn't help. Recently I built a walnut headboard, taking sufficient picture to share a build-along, discussing the design challenges and showing the process. I posted my pics to photobucket as several here have suggested, but when pasting the URLs, they always landed at the end of my text, not in the proper place where the cursor was blinking. Or they would show up as a string of text, not a photo. After an hour, I gave up.

What would it take for Woodnet to easily accept photos directly, such as Craigslist or eBay? A little annual fee from each of us, or what?

Meanwhile I greatly appreciate learning and looking on Woodnet. --Peter

Re: Help me post pics - jteneyck - 05-16-2016

Peter, if you click on the Image button below and then paste your photo URL in the box your photo will show up here. Be sure to put your cursor over the highlighted "http://" in the box before you click your right mouse button so you only end up with that string once. That might be the problem you were having.

The other thing about posting photos is it will always go to the end of your post, no matter where your cursor happens to be. That's not an issue if you are placing pictures in your post as you go. But if you want to go back and add a picture into your text you can still do it. Just paste in your picture in the normal manner. It will end up at the end of your post. Go there, highlight the entire string, click your right mouse button, then click cut. Now put your cursor where you want the photo to be located, and paste it there.

Sounds hard but it's not. If I can do it anyone can.


Re: Help me post pics - fall - 05-16-2016

petertay15 said:

I, too, am frustrated by the difficulty in posting pix here. I even asked one of the moderators to review what I was doing, but that didn't help. Recently I built a walnut headboard, taking sufficient picture to share a build-along, discussing the design challenges and showing the process. I posted my pics to photobucket as several here have suggested, but when pasting the URLs, they always landed at the end of my text, not in the proper place where the cursor was blinking. Or they would show up as a string of text, not a photo. After an hour, I gave up.

What would it take for Woodnet to easily accept photos directly, such as Craigslist or eBay? A little annual fee from each of us, or what?

Meanwhile I greatly appreciate learning and looking on Woodnet. --Peter

Plus #1 .....This is why I don't post pic's on this site. Sorry easy is a good thing.

Re: Help me post pics - cvillewood - 05-17-2016

I'd of course like pictures to upload to the site as well, easier and more importantly keeps th pictures in the thread even after the poster has moved the photos or deleted their account. I'm sure there is cost associated with this though.

For now, photobucket is pretty easy. Upload the picture, hover over it and click share, copy and past the IMG link. Where is the trouble?

Re: Help me post pics - cputnam - 05-17-2016

Step 1 - prepare your pic on your computer - especially consider sizing appropriately.
Step 2 - upload the pic to a web host. Flickr, Photobucket, and many others are free.
Step 3 - for Photobucket, just click on the Img code and you clipboard will be loaded with it.
Step 4 - Do a Ctrl-V to paste the code into your Woodnet post.
Step 5 - preview your post & fix if necessary.

Re: Help me post pics - K. L. McReynolds - 05-17-2016


1. Upload picture to Photobucket(what I use).
2. Click on the picture in your album page on Photobucket to open the picture in a separate webpage.
3. On the upper right of the picture page, left click on the Direct box. That copies the URL for the picture.
4. Open the Post box on WoodNet, select the place to post the picture, click on Image box and paste the URL. Click OK and the image is pasted in the Post box(as a line like http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a337/HandyMac/HPIM2236_zpsdwgndzfr.jpg, but enclosed in [Image] [Image].

You can post as many pictures as you wish, when you click Continue, the pictures will post as pictures.

To check the post makeup before you post to the forum, leave the I want to preview my post box checked, click Continue, and you can see the post (with pictures instead of script) as it will show on the forum.