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Tool list - Printable Version

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Tool list - GaTurner - 05-21-2016

I've only been turning a few years but I have a lot of tools.
More than I use or need. Is there such a thing as a list of
what tools needed for a turning shop. I purchased a shop
after my friends husband died. She sold the large machines
but had a lof of multiple things. Not being a woodworker and
a fairly new turner, I was wondering what I really need to just
turn. I have about 10 tape measures and a few carpenter braces,
Spiral screwdrivers and such. Only want to keep what I need to turn.
I know this is a strange request but I appreciate any advice.

Re: Tool list - dlgWoodWork - 05-21-2016

First thing is, what do you want to turn? Even in just a turning woodshop there are differences. If you want to turn large bowls, platters, etc you would need one set of items. If you just want to turn pens, a different set of tools would be needed.

I learn a lot about turning from YouTube. If you like to watch videos, find someone who turns what you would like turn and see what tools they use.

Simple list would be:
Turning tools
A way to sharpen the turning tools
Work holding items - chucks, faceplates, drive and spur centers

As far as other machines, lots of turners like to have a bandsaw.

Re: Tool list - MichaelMouse - 05-21-2016

Look at what they sell as sets for turning. Always a parting tool, skew or two, couple gouges and a scraper or two you can convert for beading. Good way to start. If you're going to go more toward bowls than spindles, add at least one suitably sized deep gouge.

Re: Tool list - badwhiskey - 05-21-2016

Here's what I find to be essential:

Bandsaw with green wood blade
Cordless drill
Drill press

Drill chuck
Spur center
Multi-tip live center
Center finder
Skew (2 sizes)
Parting Tool
Roughing Gouge
Spindle Gouge
Detail gouge
Bowl gouge
Scrapers - 3
Pen mandrel
Buffing set up
Sharpening tool rest

I'm probably forgetting a bunch of stuff.

Re: Tool list - woodhead - 05-21-2016

badwhiskey said:

Here's what I find to be essential:

Bandsaw with green wood blade
Cordless drill
Drill press

Drill chuck
Spur center
Multi-tip live center
Center finder
Skew (2 sizes)
Parting Tool
Roughing Gouge
Spindle Gouge
Detail gouge
Bowl gouge
Scrapers - 3
Pen mandrel
Buffing set up
Sharpening tool rest

I'm probably forgetting a bunch of stuff.

Sand Paper, bowl/pen Finish


Re: Tool list - Grey Mountain - 05-22-2016

1. Lathe
2. 'Nother lathe
3. Bigger lathe
4. Last lathe I'll ever buy
5. "But it was a good deal..."
6. "Cuz I didn't have one like that
7. Had to have one more than my brother
8. A few chisels

That should about do it.


Re: Tool list - Rodneywt1180b - 05-22-2016

You said you've been turning a few years. For now take all the tools you're not constantly using and put them in a box. After a while get rid of the tools that stay in the box.

Re: Tool list - gear jammer - 05-22-2016

You need to have a table saw. Where else could you store blanks and other wood for turning.

Re: Tool list - Ruler2112 - 05-23-2016

gear jammer said:

You need to have a table saw. Where else could you store blanks and other wood for turning.

This literally made me burst out laughing... I just used my bandsaw last night to cut something that would've been better done on my tablesaw, but taking all the wood and other stuff off of so that I could use it just wasn't worth it. I'm way too much like described in Peter Brown's 'Confessions of a Wood Hoarder' video...

Re: Tool list - Grey Mountain - 05-24-2016

Rodneywt1180b said:

You said you've been turning a few years. For now take all the tools you're not constantly using and put them in a box. After a while get rid of the tools that stay in the box.


You might need them some day!