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Sending and getting PMs - Printable Version

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Sending and getting PMs - Arlin Eastman - 07-19-2016

I have had a few people send me PMs and when I went to reply I could not since they did not turn theirs on.

If you wish to send them and receive them go to upper right side of and click on private messages.  When you get there on the bottom left side of the page click on edit Options and when that comes up you will have several boxes to you will have to X. 
Then you will be all set to send and receive PMs


RE: Sending and getting PMs - badwhiskey - 07-19-2016

Thanks Arlin, mine were turned off.

RE: Sending and getting PMs - robo hippy - 07-19-2016

Thanks Arlin, I would never have figured that out...

robo hippy

RE: Sending and getting PMs - Arlin Eastman - 07-20-2016

I should also add to try it out and ask someone to send one back to you or make a post telling you it did not work

RE: Sending and getting PMs - MichaelS - 07-23-2016

I like the new forum performance and flexibility, but just about everything I used to have enabled was turned off - pics, signatures, PM's, etc. Good heads up, thanks Arlin.

I will be returning very shortly as I am finally buying a house here in Austin and get to roll all of my tools back into some semblance of space. To start, it'll be the 2 car garage setup once more, though this time without the washer/dryer invading as was so common in California.
