Woodnet Forums
FS: Stanley No. 78, No. 203, No. 220 and MF #75 - Printable Version

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FS: Stanley No. 78, No. 203, No. 220 and MF #75 - therick34 - 08-21-2016

Stanley No. 78 rabbet plane. Decent condition, just missing the nicker and the depth stop. Asking $35 shipped from 48444.

[Image: DSC_0196_zpsoxz8nhqc.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0195_zpsjuehlo5j.jpg]

Stanley No. 203 block plane. Could be repainted, but could be a good user as-is. Not terribly common. Asking $30 shipped from 48444.

[Image: DSC_0188_zpsnpnoocjz.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0189_zpslmf2wk2u.jpg]

Stanley No. 220 block plane with knuckle cap. Good shape. Asking $22 shipped.

[Image: DSC_0193_zps3xs5hu9f.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0194_zpsyay2iiv3.jpg]

Millers Falls No. 75 block plane. Good shape -- nice user. Asking $22 shipped.

[Image: DSC_0190_zpsyccsttqh.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0191_zps1plzhlrx.jpg]

RE: FS: Stanley No. 78, No. 203, No. 220 and MF #75 - therick34 - 08-24-2016

Bumping this one up. I think I priced them fair, but feel free to make an offer if you're interested.


RE: FS: Stanley No. 78, No. 203, No. 220 and MF #75 - therick34 - 08-26-2016

Bump before these go to Ebay. Offers welcome.

RE: FS: Stanley No. 78, No. 203, No. 220 and MF #75 - therick34 - 08-27-2016

The Stanley 220 is sold.

RE: FS: Stanley No. 78, No. 203, No. 220 and MF #75 - therick34 - 08-29-2016

MF #75 is sold. Would like to move the other two planes along -- make me an offer.
