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A New Mantle - Printable Version

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A New Mantle - Air Force WdWrkr - 10-04-2016

Hey everyone.  It's probably been at least 7 years since I last posted (having 4 kids and three moves in that time really cuts down on woodworking) - but I finally have something I wanted to share.

Before I painted our living room, I wanted to build a new mantle.  With so many young kids in the small house, I couldn't deal with demoing the brick and all the mess that came with that.  My solution was to encase the brick and built the mantel in place.  I borrowed some ideas from a bunch of different places and this is what I came up with.  Its poplar plywood and 1/4" strips with paint grade molding all from the orange box.

Thanks for looking!

BEFORE (There used to be a wall of mirrors in the space between the windows, which also used to have only simple case molding.

[Image: 29493076153_0d149a9ce4_b.jpg]

Top Face
[Image: 29493076273_15baf2276b_b.jpg]

A little help and side leg face.
[Image: 29493076203_8bb37042cb_b.jpg]

Rough face/base complete
[Image: 29493076133_bbd2d4b015_b.jpg]

Ooops, skipped a few shots
[Image: 29493076183_b68f145267_b.jpg]

The final result

[Image: 29493076083_717826ec6e_b.jpg]

Thanks for looking!

RE: A New Mantle - blackhat - 10-04-2016

Nice. BTW, little kids are great sawdust movers aren't they.

RE: A New Mantle - jteneyck - 10-04-2016

What an improvement.  Well done.


RE: A New Mantle - Bob10 - 10-05-2016

Really nice finished product and I like that you found a work around that demo to keep the project from becoming a nightmare

RE: A New Mantle - Kansas City Fireslayer - 10-05-2016

Looks great. I like how you left the inside brick border.

RE: A New Mantle - R Clark - 10-06-2016


I'm a fan of the brick, too.

Thanks for the pics.  I'm getting ready to retrofit an antique fireplace mantle/surround to our modern gas fireplace in our 12 year old home.  Your pics are helping the idea train get moving.

RE: A New Mantle - fredhargis - 10-06-2016

Well done, another vote for the small brick exposure...really turned out nice!

RE: A New Mantle - AgGEM - 10-06-2016


RE: A New Mantle - Air Force WdWrkr - 10-06-2016

Thanks, I'm glad it helped.  I took inspiration from some of these posts I found online.



RE: A New Mantle - tomsteve - 10-06-2016

looks great!!
but imo the best part is the lil helper!