Woodnet Forums
FS: Festool ETS 125 and Box of Granat 220 - Printable Version

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FS: Festool ETS 125 and Box of Granat 220 - therick34 - 10-07-2016

Festool ETS 125 -- Good condition, no systainer. Includes 2/3 box of granat 220 sandpaper.

$150 shipped.

[Image: IMG_2476_zpsdrro3f6d.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2478_zpsp2miyxnq.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2479_zpsv75imgq7.jpg]

[url=http://s128.photobucket.com/user/therick34/media/IMG_2477_zpsumajnlid.jpg.html][Image: IMG_2477_zpsumajnlid.jpg]