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Who is Bryan Palme? - Printable Version

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Who is Bryan Palme? - fletcherj - 11-27-2016

Recently I have been getting a lot of email from said person and all of it links to some other place with plans I never requested.

The only reason I post it here is the to line is woodnet-gr6@woodnet.info and the reply address is info@woodnet.info. I doubt this person is affliated with the real woodnet.net. But who is he?

RE: Who is Bryan Palme? - JerrySats - 11-27-2016

I get at least 4 a week from this same person and its coming to an email thats not affiliated with my account here .

RE: Who is Bryan Palme? - JGrout - 11-27-2016

It is spam and has NOTHING to do with woodnet 

Owners of the forums updated the website and a hole opened that let him stick his paws in 

Most good email has a filtering ability 

Use it and you will never see one again 


RE: Who is Bryan Palme? - cvillewood - 11-30-2016

I've been getting these for a long time too.

Has anyone tried to unsubscribe? There's a link to do so but I suspsect it may dig the hole deeper.

RE: Who is Bryan Palme? - JGrout - 11-30-2016

as I said above create a filter in your own email account that sends them directly to the spam folder 

I would not click on anything in the email;  that would likely just open up your address book and spread the spam further 


RE: Who is Bryan Palme? - Arlin Eastman - 11-30-2016

This guy is a crook.  He steals plans from everywhere on the internet and they says he sells them with a lot of pictures to lure you in.

One guy told me the ordered it and only got one plan and when he asked he never got a reply and I heard from several more at Lumberjocks that some never got anything.

So just hit it as spam however he will change his name and try again and again

RE: Who is Bryan Palme? - EricU - 11-30-2016

even the horrible Yahoo spam filter catches this guy.  I rarely read my yahoo account, but it has a batch of his emails in the spam folder

RE: Who is Bryan Palme? - chips ahoy - 11-30-2016

I get at least one a week and just delete it,I have never opened one of his emails.


RE: Who is Bryan Palme? - Steve N - 11-30-2016

I've switched my e-mail from mostly Googly to Hotmail. Hotmail has a send it to he(( mode, where you can block sender, and delete all instances of his crap in 2 mouse click, nothing to set up, it's resident to the e-mail. Plus it doesn't have a stupid "all mail" folder which you have to stand on your head to open, just to see the e-mail you do want to see.