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"Auto-extinguishing quality grade 1" - Printable Version

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"Auto-extinguishing quality grade 1" - MsNomer - 01-04-2017

Is this good or bad for flammability of a foam underlayment?

Also: "smoke content 20 SDR
And: "oxygen index 27 Ol

RE: "Auto-extinguishing quality grade 1" - Roly - 01-05-2017

As I understand the oxygen index is how much oxygen is needed to support continuous combustion.    Normal atmosphere is about 20.9% , the 27 means it will need more oxygen (27 %) to support continuous combustion.   So it will not continue to burn on its own in a normal atmosphere.     I do not know about the smoke rating.     Roly

RE: "Auto-extinguishing quality grade 1" - Cooler - 01-05-2017

Also note that some products labeled as "self-extinguishing" are only so if used in the horizontal position.  When used in walls they may not be self-extinguishing.  

There are separate standard for walls and floors/ceilings.