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Floor receptacle - Printable Version

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Floor receptacle - George Wells - 01-07-2017

I want to add a new outlet in my wood floor.  The problem is I want the cover plate to be perfectly flush with the floor.  Now I have the skills to inset a cover plate into the floor but I can't find a receptacle that has a flat cover plate that will fit flush with the floor.  Any suggestions on a brand name or where to look.  I have tried the usual search engines.

Thanks George

RE: Floor receptacle - fredhargis - 01-07-2017

Do you think this one might be as you want? Raco makes several other types, but most of the ones I've used (2 styles) aren't perfectly flush.

RE: Floor receptacle - Roly - 01-07-2017

Google "flush floor receptacle"  look at images for all the different styles.   Roly

RE: Floor receptacle - JIMB49 - 01-07-2017

You Might Want To go to a electric Supply House You Are Going to get a Larger Choice of what you might want.

RE: Floor receptacle - Roly - 01-07-2017

Try these   LINK     Roly

RE: Floor receptacle - Robert Adams - 01-07-2017

This one from raco is one of the cheaper ones at $60 and can be flush mount. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Round-cast-iron-floor-box-for-concrete-tile-or-wood-floors-6224/100122117?cm_mmc=Shopping|THD|G|0|G-VF-PLA-D27E-Electrical|&gclid=Cj0KEQiAwMLDBRDCh_r9sMvQ_88BEiQA6zuAQzMMV83CxCzDVo68WFxnYPKFtotfqaRKDty2bTcU5x8aAjBI8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds

          Floor outlets are pricey and can be a pain to do.

RE: Floor receptacle - Cooler - 01-09-2017

The search is "commercial floor electric outlet".  https://www.google.com/search?q=commercial+floor+electrical+outlets&rlz=1C1RXDB_enUS585US585&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=662&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiG_drTlrXRAhUs7oMKHX1gB78Q_AUIBygC

I like this one; I think it will remain debris-free longer:  http://www.westsidewholesale.com/lew-electric-pufp-sq-br.html?keyword=Google_Shopping&gclid=CPnE7_yWtdECFYSKswodZqEOYg