Woodnet Forums
FS: Millers Falls Bull Nose Plane, Books, etc. - Printable Version

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FS: Millers Falls Bull Nose Plane, Books, etc. - therick34 - 03-19-2017

Oddball lot of stuff for sale.

Millers Falls No. 4 Bullnose Rabbet Plane $25 shipped.





Books -- asking $8 each plus actual media mail shipping. Discount if you take more than one.



RE: FS: Millers Falls Bull Nose Plane, Books, etc. - therick34 - 03-19-2017

Union Block Plane. Missing some parts, but not terribly common. $8 plus shipping.




Stanley No. 60 2" chisel. $8 plus shipping.



RE: FS: Millers Falls Bull Nose Plane, Books, etc. - iclark - 03-19-2017

PM sent on MF#4 and the Tage Fried book.

RE: FS: Millers Falls Bull Nose Plane, Books, etc. - Admiral - 03-19-2017

Frid's book is excellent, I've had it for years. Highly recommended.

RE: FS: Millers Falls Bull Nose Plane, Books, etc. - therick34 - 03-19-2017

MF plane and Fried book are sold pending payment.

RE: FS: Millers Falls Bull Nose Plane, Books, etc. - Snipe Hunter - 03-20-2017

I've read the Build Kitchen Cabinets Like a Pro (by Udo Schmidt) book and built our last kitchen using it. Great book if you've never done a kitchen before. there is an error in the Rail and Style formula but if you read the Amazon reviews, you'll see it noted there.

If you are considering a kitchen project, it's really a good book and you can't beat the price.