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Some news and hope it goes well - Printable Version

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Some news and hope it goes well - Arlin Eastman - 03-21-2017

For several years I wanted to just have a bigger building to teach in and since we have a lot of property I just wanted to build it by the house.  My wife was really concerned about if someone got hurt they could sue and lose the building and property which we really do not want to do.

I told her I could lease the acre from the family and then the acre would not be lost.  Then several months ago I started having high hopes with the Chamber of Commerce and SBA that we just might get some help and a building.

Now after sending a few emails to both ladies a month ago with no reply I was getting so depressed that maybe it will never happen.  Now my wife is thinking seriously of letting me have a 24x36 shop which is almost twice the size of the other one so that is great.

However, we really do not want to get a loan to build this which will have a total cost of $34,600 which will take more of our limited funds.
So here is where you guys come in.
Any Ideas on how I can get some donations from someone important or another way/s

Any ideas will help so we will not have to get such a big loan.


RE: Some news and hope it goes well - Wipedout - 03-21-2017

Have you thought to call the ladies instead of just emailing them to check on the status?

RE: Some news and hope it goes well - clockman - 03-21-2017

Try to do a face to face visit with those ladies.

RE: Some news and hope it goes well - badwhiskey - 03-22-2017

I agree with the others, follow up with a phone call. 

I'm not sure that the Chamber or the SBA would help, however.  It sounds like you are not doing this to make money, so they may not be interested.  Are you a non-profit or is this just a personal venture? 

Some thoughts for you:  Have insurance.  That will protect you from losing everything if you get sued.  Have written safety procedures that you follow religiously.  That will also help.  Lastly, you could try doing a Kickstarter campaign.  It is a way of doing fund raising.  Just a thought.  Good luck.

RE: Some news and hope it goes well - Dusty Workshop - 03-22-2017

I would suggest talking to a local attorney to make sure that you are protected from liability. Perhaps there is an attorney in your turning club that would donate his time for you.

You might be able to work with the local AAW chapter and make the mentoring that you do part of the local chapter activities. I belive that this would allow the club insurance to cover you.

I know that when my local club has a class off-site we are covered under AAW insurance; likewise if we hold a mentoring session in someone's home shop.

RE: Some news and hope it goes well - Arlin Eastman - 03-22-2017


I will call them again and hope I do not have to leave a message


I do not drive yet and it is hard to get their schedule and my wife's to coincide at the I


I first called the CoC and they put me in contact with the SBA lady and they both said they not only wanted to help but will do most of the work and getting with a lawyer to.  Also I have always known insurance was needed and the company is waiting for more info when I start.


I already talked to the club I go to and a lot of them will volunteer to help run it the club itself will not take it on since it is in their (?) I forget the name of the document.

They also would like the club to meet their once a month but that is all.  There are some members of the club who are kind of butt heads and feel like they OWN it when they joined after I did and some before I did.