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Foremost planes - Printable Version

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Foremost planes - DaveParkis - 04-09-2017

A guy brought a plane over to have me rehab it for him and it's a "Foremost" brand. At least that's what the lever cap tells me. Anyone familiar with this brand? I can't find anything via Google.

RE: Foremost planes - JimReed@Tallahassee - 04-09-2017

There was a Foremost company in Taiwan that made power tools. Out of business now.

RE: Foremost planes - nicobie - 04-09-2017

J. C. Penny owned a prize bull named Foremost. He named his dairy company after it.

RE: Foremost planes - bandit571 - 04-10-2017

About the same as a "True Value" plane.    Hardware Store brand.    Need a picture,  may be a Stanley, Sargent, Millers Falls, or even a Pexto....depends on who had the contract to make that plane..