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Clean Laminate flooring - Printable Version

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Clean Laminate flooring - Halfathumb - 05-15-2017

I clean mine with Bona, but leaves a haze. What do I need to do to get a shine?

RE: Clean Laminate flooring - Cooler - 05-16-2017

My house keeper uses Swiffer.  I don't know how to remove the old Bona though.  You will have to do that first.

Apparently that is difficult:  https://www.google.com/search?q=removing+bona+polish+from+floor&rlz=1C1RXDB_enUS585US585&oq=removing+bona++polish+from+floor&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.11816j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

RE: Clean Laminate flooring - Robert Adams - 05-16-2017

We use bona on ours but we use the stuff for real hardwood floors which has a much less aggressive cleaning agent than the stuff for laminate. (Laminate is more durable and can stand up to chemicals) I havent had an issue with a haze from it. But if i did id probably look at using something like glass cleaner to get rid of the haze.

    Edit we use the cleaner. Never have used any type of protectant or wax etc.

RE: Clean Laminate flooring - Cooler - 05-16-2017

Pergo Flooring has recommendations for cleaning:  file:///C:/Users/Howard/Downloads/Outlast%20Use%20and%20Care%20Manual03292016-2%20pdf.pdf

Basically they say to damp mop with water or with a vinegar and water mix.  They discourage any wax or protectant.