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shop routine = kaput! - Printable Version

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shop routine = kaput! - Harold O. - 06-10-2017

Do most of you guys work alone in the shop? I do, with an occasional daughter visit or set of helping hands. But it's mostly on my own and I have a reasonable routine for the work day. I'm there six days a week, six hours a day and get tired come Saturday afternoon but love going back in.

This week had me making some fence pieces (50 @ 27x8 in a violin shape) and a hanging bookcase @ 4x6ft. Daughter 1's boyfriend [Dan] was put to work on the fence parts. We made a pattern, rough cut the pieces, then went to making shapes at the router table. Fifty pieces is more than we should have taken on, but we know the customer well. So it goes.

Dan is a bright young man. Just graduated with a mechanical engineering degree. Takes direction well, knows right from left, and does not need a babysitter in the shop. Nice, polite, not a whiner.

But there's been a person in my shop all week. After several days, it wears on me. I like the space, the routine, the not explaining hows/whys/whats-for-lunch. By week's end, I had a hard time making the book case and even messed up a couple of simple steps. My concentration was shot. That's when I recognized the need for personal shop time. I'm going to send Dan over to work at the mechanic shop next week. It will do us both some good.

Do you guys have similar issues with your shop time?

RE: shop routine = kaput! - Arlin Eastman - 06-10-2017

I have not had that problem yet mostly because when I teach the vets and anyone else who comes over it is just for an hour or two and not all day, day after day.  So what happens when she marries Dan and he wants to come over more?

RE: shop routine = kaput! - gMike - 06-10-2017

When I'm in the shop I prefer to work alone.  The exception is my son who is a better woodworker than I am.  Him I don't mind, anyone else and I feel like I need to watch whatever they are doing to make sure they don't hurt themselves or screw something up.  I seldom have visitors so I suppose it's a matter of what I'm used to.  My shop time is my recreation so I treasure it and don't give it up willingly.  I guess that's why I don't like Summer, too many demands for yardwork, etc.

The other issue is finding my tools after someone has been in the shop with me.  I'm particular (set in my ways) about where stuff goes and if it's not where it should be it screws up my concentration on what I'm doing.  I spent half a day looking for my 6" rule not long ago because someone else was using it and didn't put it back.

RE: shop routine = kaput! - Harold O. - 06-10-2017

(06-10-2017, 03:52 PM)Arlin Eastman Wrote: I have not had that problem yet mostly because when I teach the vets and anyone else who comes over it is just for an hour or two and not all day, day after day.  So what happens when she marries Dan and he wants to come over more?

If there's any marrying going on (which I suspect is in the cards) it will be after he gets a real job.

(06-10-2017, 03:56 PM)gMike Wrote: I'm particular (set in my ways) about where stuff goes and if it's not where it should be it screws up my concentration on what I'm doing.  I spent half a day looking for my 6" rule not long ago because someone else was using it and didn't put it back.

I am quite particular as well and insist upon cleaning the shop at the end of the day whether it's just me or there are other people around. Everything ALWAYS gets put away before the door is pulled down. And I push the broom. Dan's a solid fellow, but I was feeling it come this morning's stint.

RE: shop routine = kaput! - daddo - 06-10-2017

I can't work and entertain at the same time. Can be unsafe as well.

Now if someone wanted to just watch- fine- but I can move around a lot and I may get frustrated if I'm bumping into them.

 I visit on the patio.

RE: shop routine = kaput! - EdL - 06-10-2017

On occasion I'll have someone in the shop....usually it's for an extra set of hands.
One friend will use the planer or drum sander when needed, he's been a mentor to me, no worries or concerns there. He has his own well equipped shop, his planer ended up here years ago, it's still here, in storage since I bought my PM 15hh.

I've built a couple of projects with another friend, he needs some guidance, always a good time.
