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More boneheaded woodworking - Printable Version

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More boneheaded woodworking - johndi - 07-09-2017

Finally building something and feeling pretty good about myself. Go to use my Ridgid OSS and think, man I knew the dust collection was crap, but this is ridiculous.
It's in my eyes, all over the workpiece, just miserable.
Well after I got done with the band saw, I used the shop vac to BLOW OUT the garage.
Turns out the dust collection works much better when the hose is in the vacuum side.?

What a maroon!

RE: More boneheaded woodworking - museumguy - 07-09-2017

Whew, I thought I was the only one that ever did that, more than once even,

RE: More boneheaded woodworking - gMike - 07-09-2017

I did it myself a few days ago.  It's called "getting in a hurry" and not paying attention.  Usually, when that happens with me it's a trip to the Emergency Room to get stitches.  Glad it was just a mess and not bloodshed!


RE: More boneheaded woodworking - johndi - 07-09-2017

Yup. Turned everything off and got a shower. Took it as a sign that it was time to call it a day.

RE: More boneheaded woodworking - Steve N - 07-09-2017

(07-09-2017, 03:36 PM)johndi Wrote: What a maroon!

LOML's favorite line, usually saying it to me

RE: More boneheaded woodworking - K. L. McReynolds - 07-11-2017

Don't have DC on the dovetail jig. I usually just vacuum up the chips after the work. Once, O just grabbed the shop vac with the hose already in place and let 'er rip.


Took twice as long to vacuum up all the chips that were blown all over the shop because the hose was on the exhaust side---wife had used it for some reason.