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Ebonizing Wood - Printable Version

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Ebonizing Wood - Danny in Houston - 08-06-2017

I will be experimenting with ebonizing wood in a few weeks once my supplies have arrived and I find some time.  I searched WN and only found this thread, which was very informative.  I have my steel wool sitting in vinegar and I've ordered the Quebracho bark powder.  The Brian Boggs article was very well written and that's what I'm using as a guide.  

I want to ebonize some substantial table legs for a large slab dining table.  I'll be experimenting with poplar first, as this would provide a low cost option.  I want to avoid using oak, I don't want the grain patterns.  I've read cherry and walnut ebonize nicely due to the natural tannin content but that would add a lot of expense.  

i'll update here with my results.

RE: Ebonizing Wood - Roly - 08-06-2017

People say they get good results from using straight India ink .    Worth a try to see if it gives you the results you are looking for.   The results of using of the options will vary greatly with the species of wood.    Suggest using the same species of wood for the sample as the actual project.   Roly

RE: Ebonizing Wood - WaterlooMarc - 08-21-2017

This is what I use. Hobby Lobby sells it pretty dang cheap too. (I flipping hate that store) I've tried other methods but find this to give the deepest black while maintaining the character of the wood.

RE: Ebonizing Wood - Cooler - 08-21-2017

Michael's sells imitation India ink.  

I don't shop at Hobby  Lobby.  I don't like their politics.

Amazon.com sells it too.

From Dick Blick:  http://www.dickblick.com/products/blick-black-cat-waterproof-india-ink/?clickTracking=true&wmcp=pla&wmcid=items&wmckw=21101-2003&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-7y_k5Tp1QIVybjACh0xOAe3EAQYAiABEgLiO_D_BwE

This is more economical.  I don't know if it is the same stuff, but if I had a big project I would consider trying this:


RE: Ebonizing Wood - jteneyck - 08-21-2017

India ink works really well on most woods.  Cheap, too, if you buy it in the quart size, or larger. 


RE: Ebonizing Wood - packerguy® - 08-21-2017

(08-06-2017, 12:48 PM)Roly Wrote: People say they get good results from using straight India ink . 


Thats what I do. Just finished an urn Friday that I ebonized using that method. I wouldn't fool around with any other method.

RE: Ebonizing Wood - BassMD - 08-26-2017

Black hair dye works well.