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18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - Printable Version

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18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - matzner - 02-11-2020

Another deal:

[Image: 00E0E_Kvf1CYzxMU_600x450.jpg]


RE: 18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - jteneyck - 02-11-2020

Must be worth that much as scrap metal.  


RE: 18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - stav - 02-11-2020

That's nuts.  Add another 0 to the end and that is the price on this side of the country.

RE: 18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - abernat - 02-11-2020

I don't have room... I don't have room...

RE: 18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - Admiral - 02-11-2020

If you could line up several of these, and some unisaws, belt sanders, jointers, etc., it might make it worth the time and truck rental to haul to the east coast... ah, to be younger and full of p*ss and vinegar......

RE: 18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - Stwood_ - 02-11-2020

I'd be all over that. Clean it up and resell, or sell my 20".

Only 1,983 miles away.

RE: 18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - briman87 - 02-11-2020

Is everyone selling there wood working stuff because all the wood is burnt up.

RE: 18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - Bob10 - 02-11-2020

If I didn't have the 4x8x8" starrett surface plate I paid $50 sitting in the back of my truck i would be after it
That's a better deal than I got on either of my E16s One was $300 and the other $200 both came with blade sharpeners

RE: 18" Planer powermatic - $200 (mendocino county) - farmerj111 - 02-12-2020

and it's gone......temptation removed thank goodness.