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Anybody have a wooden fore plane or coffin smoother? - Printable Version

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Anybody have a wooden fore plane or coffin smoother? - Elijah A. - 08-03-2020

Anybody have a wooden fore plane or coffin smoother that they would be willing to sell? Thanks!

RE: Anybody have a wooden fore plane or coffin smoother? - Tony (Charleston WV) - 08-03-2020

I have 1 or 2 Steve Knight coffin smoothers around here,  somewhere.  If you haven't nailed one by the time I get done mowing the north forty and eating dinner, I'll get some pix up and figure out some prices.

RE: Anybody have a wooden fore plane or coffin smoother? - Elijah A. - 08-04-2020

I'm sure those are beautiful and I'd love to see them! Not sure what your selling one for but I'm thinking they will be more than I'd like to spend. I'm not really sure what one of his planes go for. I'm more looking for a vintage jack/fore plane around 14-16" long and a vintage coffin smoother that's in good shape.

If you can send me a quick photo, I would like to see it for consideration. Thanks!

RE: Anybody have a wooden fore plane or coffin smoother? - paul2004 - 08-04-2020

Not mine, I don't know anything about planes, but here's someone selling

RE: Anybody have a wooden fore plane or coffin smoother? - Elijah A. - 08-04-2020

Got what I needed! Thanks!