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Boxes of Red Cedar - Printable Version +- Woodnet Forums (https://forums.woodnet.net) +-- Thread: Boxes of Red Cedar (/showthread.php?tid=7359545) |
Boxes of Red Cedar - bandit571 - 12-17-2020 Seems I have a nice supply of thin Aromatic Red Cedar slats.....had to buy a carton of the stuff....to get 4 slats for the bottom of a Blanket Chest project.....Which left a big stack of stuff like this.... ![]() [attachment=31649] Thought about those small souvenir boxes places are always trying to sell.....Thought maybe I'd try a few.. First attempt....after the tongue and grooves were ripped off...was made using finger/box joints... [attachment=31650] Dry fit....decided to glue the top and bottom in place....after things were cleaned up.. [attachment=31651] And a marking gauge run around... [attachment=31652] So I could slice off the lid.. [attachment=31653] Plane away the saw marks...try some way too big hinges... [attachment=31654] And, of course the last screw used here, split the wood....added a latch, too..no splits there, though... ![]() [attachment=31655] And a handle on each end... [attachment=31656] needed a brush to apply a coat of varnish..... And a lot of "issues" with the finger joints...oops ![]() [attachment=31657] Decided the next versions will use ...dovetails... [attachment=31658] Stay tuned... ![]() RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - bandit571 - 12-17-2020 Cedar Box #2... Was out of practice doing them dovetails....even thought a scrollsaw could help... ![]() [attachment=31659] Pins first, by hand....tails by scrollsaw....well, it was just a thought....Pins on one corner were cut backwards....so that mess was sawn off... [attachment=31660] back to Olde School... [attachment=31661] Interesting fact...that is an older version of the Stanley Bevel Gauge....the angled end matches the angle of the dovetails I was doing....the newer versions are too...pointy ![]() [attachment=31662] Made layouts a lot easier. Was finally able to get this glued up.. [attachment=31663] let it sit a day....then clean and square it up... [attachment=31664] And slice the lid off....block plane to remove the saw marks...so the lid will sit a bit better than Version 1 did... [attachment=31665] Corners didn't look too bad, either... ![]() [attachment=31666] Was out of hinges, latches and handles...Road Trip to Hobby Lobby yesterday....$14 and change...and no wrecks in the snow.. ![]() [attachment=31667] Should last a few boxes. It was cheaper for me to just drive up there, than to pay for them to ship the parts to me...called being FRUGAL, not cheap... [attachment=31668] I also remembered to pick up some brushes, while out & about..... ![]() Wondering about a tray of some kind.....splayed out sides...handle down the middle? Or..no handle? Tray bottom a glued up affair? Dovetails on the corners? Have plenty of stock to work from....carton is sold as Closet Liner.....15 sq ft of 1/4" T&G 4" wide, random length.....smooth one side...$30.... ![]() So....maybe a post about working with ( or, around) this stuff? ![]() stay tuned... ![]() RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - Laid-Back - 12-17-2020 Noticed the angle on the old bevel square but didn't think about it. Good observation. Working with thin woods give me fits, guess I have to learn not to be so heavy hanged RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - bandit571 - 12-17-2020 Loaded up a box, and headed to the shop... ![]() [attachment=31671] Took a couple trips...Box #1....Camera....Brushes....I think I got everything.. ![]() Laid out where the hinges will go.. [attachment=31672] To be followed by another... [attachment=31673] Then, since the hinges were out...removed the huge clunky ones from Box #1...and used the smaller hinges to replace them.. ![]() [attachment=31674] Block plane to level the patches, round a few edges..... Box #2 also gets a latch....front of the box had a high spot... [attachment=31675] had being the operative word.. [attachment=31676] and then something to carry the box around with... [attachment=31677] Then both got a good sanding, a bit more plane work, and more sanding.....then a good wipe down. Then brushed on some varnish... [attachment=31678] Just on all the outside surfaces...trying NOT to get any on the insides... [attachment=31679] Then set out all the remaining Red Cedar boards...away from the drying varnish... [attachment=31680] To sort through for parts for a tray...or 2.... Waiting on the varnish to dry overnight....then rub it out,,and see about a second coat.... as for the Tray? Stay tuned.... ![]() RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - Ridgeway - 12-18-2020 I use red cedar for a lot of outdoor applications. I made several largish (2'x4') planter boxes and a cold frame about 10 years ago, and they are still going strong. RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - bandit571 - 12-20-2020 Second coat has been rubbed out. Smaller of the two boxes has been delivered....Wife's pastor gets a little present each year about this time....larger box is still awaiting a place to go... Ok...parts for a tray... [attachment=31730] Did not like the way the T&G were lining up....ripped those off...trying for about 12" length by 9" width...was able to do a glue up... [attachment=31731] trying to install a c clamp onto 2 cauls, while holding the panel and the cauls steady.....and tightening the clamp...FUN ![]() Another short section of plank, was ripped down the center.. [attachment=31732] Edges were jointed so the 2 will match each other.. [attachment=31733] These planks have one smooth face, and one a bit....rough....smoother took care of the rough.. [attachment=31734] Used these "ends" to help lay out the handled sides... [attachment=31735] Then drill a 1" diameter hole at one end of the handle....and fire up the scrollsaw.. [attachment=31736] To get something like this... ![]() [attachment=31737] And, of course, had to smooth plane the rough side...smooth, again [attachment=31738] Waiting on the glue up.. RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - bandit571 - 12-21-2020 During Laundry Detail.....clamps removed from the glued up panel....panel was trimmed for square....ripped a bit for width...then over to the bench.. ![]() [attachment=31741] To clean off dried glue, and level the glue joints. one face was already smooth...the other face was very rough sawn.... [attachment=31742] Stanley No. 3, Type 11 took care of both.....so, maybe Tuesday, I can work on the corner joints? [attachment=31743] As soon as I figure out which to use.... ![]() Stay tuned... ![]() RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - bandit571 - 12-24-2020 Laundry Detail, good enough for an hour or two in the shop? ![]() ![]() [attachment=31791] Then a bit of layout...pins first, of course.. [attachment=31792] use a big saw to make a few cuts... ![]() [attachment=31793] Chop out the waste... [attachment=31794] Oops....try better with the next set...at least that will be on the inside... ![]() use the pins to lay out the tails....bandsaw to saw those out... [attachment=31795] I might just be getting the hang of doing these... ![]() had an issue with corner #4.....enough that it became Corner #3...and redo #4.... [attachment=31796] Then lay this mess down on the panel, to see how close a fit I came up with... ![]() [attachment=31797] So...the next night's Laundry Detail....... [attachment=31798] Set things over on the "assembly table" set up some clamps....spread some glue all around... [attachment=31799] Dovetails were tight enough to not really need the longer clamps,,,,had plenty of C clamps to use, though... ![]() [attachment=31800] Towels were dry, so I left this alone for the night....may check on it, later today... Stay tuned ![]() RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - bandit571 - 12-25-2020 Clamps came off today, trying to clean up the glue joints, was a matter of HOW to hold the tray securely enough...as I did have some end grain to plane on the ends of the tray..soooo ![]() handles made things a bit tricky...end grain was sticking out a bit more than the end of the tray was....I also rounded over the edges a bit....then tried the sides...can't use the vise, handles would not take being clamped too well.....while I was using a plane...so [attachment=31808] Later added a second clamp... ![]() [attachment=31809] Around the inside of the handles....I used a dremel sanding drum....to round over the grips a bit....areas where the planes can't get to....Other curved spots around the top edges, a S. Smith & Sons do a bit of work.. ![]() [attachment=31810] Then sanded everything to 320 grit, and then wiped it all nice and clean....then a coat of varnish....and then, on the 2nd try, I got a piece of plexiglass to fit inside the tray.. ![]() [attachment=31811] Letting the still wet varnish "glue" the plexi in place...let this sit until the weekend...be a little busy tomorrow.. Stay tuned.... ![]() RE: Boxes of Red Cedar - bandit571 - 12-26-2020 And...back to box making...I went through all the remaining Cedar slats.....cut out the worst of the knots...removed the nasty T&Gs from the factory...Then see what I can make... Well, two fairly long and almost clear slats want to get "curvy" clamped them up in the vise, to flatten the curves... ![]() [attachment=31828] Then sorted through a few more...got 2 to almost match.... [attachment=31829] One a lot shorter than the other? Going to be the ends for the next box....but..I needed a second such panel.. ![]() [attachment=31830] Let these 2 panels sit a day..or 2 ![]() [attachment=31831] haven't decided on the exact length...yet ![]() [attachment=31832] To find a use for....maybe compartments inside the box? Bottom of the box will be some 1/4" plywood.... Stay tuned.... ![]() |