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Stanley 55: SOLD - Printable Version

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Stanley 55: SOLD - mr chips - 03-05-2021


For Sale:  Stanley 55 in good shape with complete set of cutters in original trays.  Been in my possession for 40 years.  Selling for $250 total if picked up locally in Marin Co., CA.  Otherwise, add $50 for shipping.
Thanks for looking!


RE: Stanley 55 - abecedarian - 03-14-2021

PMs exchanged. A nice new guy. PayPal sent too.

Welcome him to Woodnet.

RE: Stanley 55: SOLD - abecedarian - 03-29-2021

I think this package may have been stranded in the Suez Canal for a while, but after twelve days in the possession of the USPS, it finally arrived.

The plane is exactly as pictured. Everything moves as it should. It was pleasure doing business with Mr. Chips.

RE: Stanley 55: SOLD - stav - 03-30-2021

I just watched St Roy's show on this very plane.  Worth a view if you have 30 mins.  Found on youtube.

RE: Stanley 55: SOLD - abecedarian - 04-01-2021

Is that the show where he compared wood and metal moulding planes?

Didn't he call these metal combo planes, "soulless?"

RE: Stanley 55: SOLD - stav - 04-01-2021

Yes, that is the one.  He did call them that but he also agreed they did the job just as well.