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Bad Axe Sash Saw brand new - Printable Version

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Bad Axe Sash Saw brand new - weedsnager - 02-19-2022

Brand new, never used
Selling for the same price I paid
$275 plus shipping

Bad Axe 14" Sash Saw ($265 base price) , Filing: Hybrid-Cut , Pitch: 12 ppi , Gauge: .025 (add $10) , Sawback: Black-Oxided Carbon Steel , Species: Hickory , Fasteners: Brass Slotted-Nuts , Size: ®

RE: Bad Axe Sash Saw brand new - weedsnager - 02-19-2022

Having troubles getting pictures to post, I can email or text

RE: Bad Axe Sash Saw brand new - weedsnager - 02-20-2022

