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Lathe Belt Replacement Update - Printable Version

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Lathe Belt Replacement Update - crokett™ - 03-11-2023

A quick recap.  My lathe uses 2 belts, one from the motor to a reeves, the other from the reeves to the headstock.    I replaced the link belt that has been on the lathe for 10+ years with the proper belt. Along the way I addressed a problem with the headstock pulley. I didn't have time to test it until today.  Prior to the replacement I could easily stop the lathe with heavy cutting, especially on larger diameter stock.  Today I threw a piece of dry hickory about 10" diameter on.  I am not sure I will bother turning finishing it, there' a lot of checks in it, but wanted to test with it.  I need to adjust the speed control handle.  You pull it out to change speeds and then push it in to clamp in place and it wants to move when it's supposed to be clamped.   However there was some definite improvement.  The range of speeds is much greater and I can take heavier cuts without the wood stopping.