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How long have you been turning? - Printable Version

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How long have you been turning? - Arlin Eastman - 02-17-2024

For me it was 2009 or 2010 but pretty sure I started in 2009 when Ray shown me how to make a pen correctly.  I started off with bench chisels to make pens since I did not have any tools yet.

RE: How long have you been turning? - Stwood_ - 02-17-2024

8th grade, 1965.....got the basics down, then we were free to decide on a project.
Most of us made shift knobs for our standard shift cars and pickups.

RE: How long have you been turning? - SceneryMaker - 02-18-2024

In 2015, my new wife brought a catalog with a page turned down to me and showed me the segmented maple vase she wanted. I thought the $1,800 price was unreasonable so she went away. A month later, she brought me a different catalog and the segmented maple vase that time was $2,500. Not only was the price unreasonable, the trend was in the wrong direction!

In defense of my credit card balance, I dusted off my 1953 Shopsmith and learned how to do it myself and have been making segmented chips ever since.

Now that I'm more experienced at this, I know why the artist's price was very reasonable indeed. I wouldn't sell my work to strangers for less that he was.

RE: How long have you been turning? - grwold - 02-18-2024

November 2022. Thanks to @arthropod98!

RE: How long have you been turning? - FrankAtl - 02-19-2024

On and off since the early seventies!

RE: How long have you been turning? - Bill Holt - 02-19-2024

Not sure, but joined Woodturners of North Texas on my 43rd wedding anniversary 7/27/2013; probably haven't missed more than 5 meetings in 10 plus yrs.  They are an amazing group of talented turners.  If you are ever in the area on the last Thursday of the month, come see for yourself.

RE: How long have you been turning? - Arlin Eastman - 02-19-2024

(02-18-2024, 07:50 AM)grwold Wrote: November 2022.  Thanks to @arthropod98!

Yep Thanks to him and any and all who encourage others to try out this relaxing fun craft.

We really can get by with a basic lathes and tools and chuck and really do not need the BIG lathe nor powdered metal tools or fixtures or or or or.  When does the fun stop.  

RE: How long have you been turning? - SceneryMaker - 02-19-2024

(02-19-2024, 02:12 PM)Arlin Eastman Wrote: ...do not need the ... fixtures or or or or.  When does the fun stop.  

Unless those fixtures and jigs are homemade and do the job. Those are fun to figure out in their own right. When the fun starts slowing down, think up a new wrinkle or a way to make something easier.

I'm currently working on a couple jigs that will make illusion feature rings easier and more forgiving for me. Wheee!

RE: How long have you been turning? - EightFingers - 02-20-2024

Not long enough..

RE: How long have you been turning? - Timberwolf - 02-25-2024

(02-20-2024, 12:51 AM)EightFingers Wrote: Not long enough..

Since 1949...both wood and metal. Presently have 8 lathes.