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  0 Thread: Hi Flow Toilets
Post: RE: Hi Flow Toilets

I have a American Standard Champion toilet that has a high flow
fixtureman Home Improvement 11 430 02-02-2025, 11:27 AM
  0 Thread: Dust separators
Post: RE: Dust separators

jteneyck Wrote: (01-12-2025, 07:09 PM) -- I would if you posted links.  But really, what's your point with your post?  If you think there's no gain by adding a baffle, cyclone, whatever, because you ...
fixtureman Woodworking Power Tools 13 1,047 01-14-2025, 06:54 AM
  0 Thread: Dust separators
Post: RE: Dust separators

I have a Thien separator on my HP dust collector.  I get very little fine dust in the bag as most are in the Thien barrel
fixtureman Woodworking Power Tools 13 1,047 01-12-2025, 04:36 PM
  0 Thread: Baseboard installation help
Post: RE: Baseboard installation help

Allen Wrote: (12-18-2024, 08:42 PM) -- Take a metal rod and stick a rare earth magnet on it. Put nail on end of rod, thread through radiator and hammer away. Al -- the rod will stick to the radi...
fixtureman Home Improvement 13 1,326 12-19-2024, 05:52 AM
  0 Thread: Laser level??
Post: RE: Laser level??

Cabinet Monkey Wrote: (11-18-2024, 07:35 PM) -- again :s:s     you mentioned 1/64th in the orig. posting. Now we're 1/16.   Were we 1/64/ft. before or ????? Water tube plus story pole will revea...
fixtureman Home Improvement 31 3,911 11-19-2024, 07:33 AM
  0 Thread: Laser level??
Post: RE: Laser level??

It was out 1/16 at 1 foot. I did find a low spot in a concrete floor with a water level. You just tape it to a story pole and go around and see where it is lower
fixtureman Home Improvement 31 3,911 11-18-2024, 10:10 AM
  0 Thread: Laser level??
Post: RE: Laser level??

Cabinet Monkey Wrote: (11-15-2024, 08:51 AM) --     less costly is a usually a race to the bottom. this costs even less than your water setup:
fixtureman Home Improvement 31 3,911 11-15-2024, 11:45 AM
  0 Thread: Laser level??
Post: RE: Laser level??

I found out the hard way that all laser levels are not level.  it it is off just a 1/64th at the level it goes pff the further you get.  A water level is always the same no matter the distance
fixtureman Home Improvement 31 3,911 11-14-2024, 07:24 AM
  0 Thread: shop vac recommendation
Post: RE: shop vac recommendation

My last fine that I had for 20 years finally gave up the ghost.  I had 2 of them that I used for Vacuum hold down on my CNC
fixtureman Woodworking Power Tools 30 5,134 11-10-2024, 02:49 PM
  0 Thread: Laser level??
Post: RE: Laser level??

My water level is self containing I bought it from a ceiling supply company many years ago.
fixtureman Home Improvement 31 3,911 11-03-2024, 10:06 AM
  0 Thread: 3 wire dehumidifier fan wiring ?
Post: RE: 3 wire dehumidifier fan wiring ?

Google the model and see if there is a you tube
fixtureman Home Improvement 6 983 11-03-2024, 10:04 AM
  0 Thread: Laser level??
Post: RE: Laser level??

Plus 1 on the water level I have both and the water level is just as accurate or better then the laser.
fixtureman Home Improvement 31 3,911 11-02-2024, 07:45 AM
  0 Thread: door strike plate repair
Post: RE: door strike plate repair

Can you use an over sized strike plate like this
fixtureman Home Improvement 6 1,115 10-05-2024, 10:27 AM
  0 Thread: Cutting Metal with an Angle Grinder
Post: RE: Cutting Metal with an Angle Grinder

I have one like that but the Milwalkee version and it works great on flat but not so good on corragated
fixtureman Home Improvement 21 2,856 09-29-2024, 11:35 AM
  0 Thread: Cutting Metal with an Angle Grinder
Post: RE: Cutting Metal with an Angle Grinder

A nibbler would be a good choice they use them a lot on Metal buildings
fixtureman Home Improvement 21 2,856 09-29-2024, 06:07 AM
  0 Thread: Remove fence post in concrete
Post: RE: Remove fence post in concrete

Do you have an engine lift.  I had to ermove several old post that had rotted off and I dilled a hole in the concrete and used a expansion bolt like a wedge lock then used a chain and pulled then out
fixtureman Home Improvement 20 2,685 09-09-2024, 07:26 AM
  0 Thread: New Roof Question
Post: RE: New Roof Question

You can never have to much ventalation.  I have never heard anybody say I wish I didn't put in less vents
fixtureman Home Improvement 16 2,690 08-30-2024, 09:55 AM
  0 Thread: shop vac recommendation
Post: RE: shop vac recommendation

jteneyck Wrote: (08-24-2024, 07:12 PM) -- The Fein Turbo 1 and 2 are 66 db.  The Dewalt StealthSonic is 65 db.  The Makita is 60, as is the Bosch.   John -- I have the old Feins Turbo III
fixtureman Woodworking Power Tools 30 5,134 08-25-2024, 05:21 AM
  0 Thread: shop vac recommendation
Post: RE: shop vac recommendation

My Feins are 55 DB
fixtureman Woodworking Power Tools 30 5,134 08-24-2024, 02:42 PM
  0 Thread: Dust collection in the new shop
Post: RE: Dust collection in the new shop

You could also use and old blanket to cut down on the noise. Keep the top open also
fixtureman Woodworking Power Tools 12 1,692 08-23-2024, 09:48 AM

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