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Thread: SOLD - Delta DJ-20, Southern MO
Post: RE: Delta DJ-20, Southern MO
Bryan F. Wrote: (12-29-2024, 06:16 PM)
I have a Delta DJ20 Joiner I would like to sell. I am the second owner, had it about 12 years but it is too big for my new shop and I rarely use it as the t... |
wing nut |
Tool Swap N' Sell
7 |
645 |
12-29-2024, 06:30 PM |
Thread: Chisel mallet
Post: RE: Chisel mallet
davco Wrote: (11-26-2024, 05:12 PM)
Looking for a good source for a Chisel mallet for dovetails
This is my preferred mallet when I do dovetails |
wing nut |
19 |
2,357 |
12-27-2024, 07:02 AM |
Thread: My made in England Record Vise Collection
Post: RE: My made in England Record Vise Collection
Yotie Wrote: (09-11-2024, 11:56 AM)
The 521/2 is 9” wide and opens to 13 1/2”
The 53 is 10 1/2” wide and opens to 15 1/4”
thanks, I see that now, they were so close in the pix it just didn't r... |
wing nut |
5 |
1,033 |
09-11-2024, 05:11 PM |
Thread: My made in England Record Vise Collection
Post: RE: My made in England Record Vise Collection
Yotie Wrote: (09-10-2024, 08:30 PM)
Was able to finalize my made in England Record Vise collection... 52, 52 1/2, & 53 ... I found the 53 brand new … I have a 52 1/2 on my personal bench and have... |
wing nut |
5 |
1,033 |
09-11-2024, 06:49 AM |
Thread: Gluing up dissimilar woods...bad idea???
Post: RE: Gluing up dissimilar woods...bad idea???
Dumb_Polack Wrote: (09-06-2024, 09:04 AM)
Got some time this weekend and I saw a picture of this chess board on the innerwebs and I thought I'd try my hand at building it. Problem is that the woo... |
wing nut |
4 |
886 |
09-08-2024, 04:29 PM |
Thread: Heating a garage workshop - thoughts?
Post: RE: Heating a garage workshop - thoughts?
Cape Cod Wrote: (08-24-2024, 04:02 PM)
I have a (new construction) 24 x 24 2 car attached garage.
2 x 6 walls R19 and 1/2' sheetrock on outside walls.
Will have same on 9' 6' ceiling. Currently ... |
wing nut |
Home Improvement
12 |
1,681 |
08-25-2024, 07:18 AM |
Thread: Washing Machine Funny Sound
Post: RE: Washing Machine Funny Sound
Gibbcutter Wrote: (08-23-2024, 10:04 PM)
Anyone know what this sound is?
sounds like gears grinding. |
wing nut |
Home Improvement
3 |
581 |
08-24-2024, 06:47 AM |
Thread: Something for August
Post: RE: Something for August
Bob10 Wrote: (08-14-2024, 08:55 PM)
Are you going to paint that wall before you put that up?
If you do don't forget to paint behind the toilet. |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
30 |
3,864 |
08-15-2024, 07:12 AM |
Thread: Deck Advice Please.
Post: RE: Deck Advice Please.
BrentDH Wrote: (07-21-2024, 11:15 AM)
Thanks for the responses Snipe.
Yes there will be 5 stringers spread out over a little over 3' wide steps.
The top landing is an optical illusion in the p... |
wing nut |
Home Improvement
12 |
2,131 |
07-21-2024, 11:25 AM |
Thread: Undermount, Bottom Mount Drawer Slides
Post: RE: Undermount, Bottom Mount Drawer Slides
DieselDennis Wrote: (07-20-2024, 09:34 PM)
Does such a thing exist? I'm looking to place a drawer into a cabinet. I'd like to not lose an inch in width, and go with undermount slides.
Do they... |
wing nut |
2 |
719 |
07-21-2024, 06:51 AM |
Thread: Where is everyone????
Post: RE: Where is everyone????
bandit571 Wrote: (07-18-2024, 09:06 AM)
"So little response to this site"? Look in the mirror...
Maybe IF MORE people would start to post their OWN items here...maybe all those Nay-sayers will ... |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
68 |
11,547 |
07-20-2024, 02:49 PM |
Thread: Where is everyone????
Post: RE: Where is everyone????
Tapper Wrote: (07-20-2024, 09:06 AM)
I would like to first apologize for not posting earlier; it's always nice to get feedback on your work. Thanks to you and others for taking the time to post pi... |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
68 |
11,547 |
07-20-2024, 02:32 PM |
Thread: Where is everyone????
Post: RE: Where is everyone????
bandit571 Wrote: (07-13-2024, 08:43 AM)
So...where am I today? Well...I have Laundry Detail, today...and while things are in the Washing Machine...I tend to "linger around" in the shop....until ... |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
68 |
11,547 |
07-17-2024, 06:03 PM |
Thread: FS: MiniMax MM16 4.8HP, 16" Resaw Home Use - Massachusetts
Post: RE: FS: MiniMax MM16 4.8HP, 16" Resaw Home Use - M...
why are you sellling it?, I would be all over it too. |
wing nut |
Tool Swap N' Sell
14 |
2,678 |
07-13-2024, 10:30 AM |
Thread: Next Project?
Post: RE: Next Project?
bandit571 Wrote: (07-13-2024, 08:46 AM)
Laundry Detail, TODAY!
Which usually means my hanging around IN the shop, waiting until time to load things up into the dryer
So...Film @ 2300 hrs...
... |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
27 |
3,331 |
07-13-2024, 10:28 AM |
Thread: Where is everyone????
Post: RE: Where is everyone????
[attachment=51805 Wrote:
wing nut pid='8191770' dateline='1720826041']sorry for a couple of dups,
panels reclaimed red maple out of 1890s bankbarn out of pittsburg pa, claro walnut from PNW, har... |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
68 |
11,547 |
07-12-2024, 06:28 PM |
Thread: Where is everyone????
Post: RE: Where is everyone????
wing nut Wrote: (07-12-2024, 06:07 PM)
these will show some of the steps, the top was kinda rustic claro walnut so I used appoxy to fill in voids, the pix may be out of order but the panels are pl... |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
68 |
11,547 |
07-12-2024, 06:14 PM |
Thread: Where is everyone????
Post: RE: Where is everyone????
[attachment=51787 Wrote:
bandit571 pid='8191265' dateline='1720389954']Maybe a post to describe how YOU build them? They do look good, though...
these will show some of the steps, the top w... |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
68 |
11,547 |
07-12-2024, 06:07 PM |
Thread: Where is everyone????
Post: RE: Where is everyone????
bandit571 Wrote: (07-07-2024, 12:07 PM)
I just posted a thread for them to visit....will see how many Lurkers show up...
Night stands, can people see them? |
wing nut |
Woodworking Hand Tools
68 |
11,547 |
07-07-2024, 04:39 PM |
Thread: Which resin?
Post: RE: Which resin?
goaliedad Wrote: (06-15-2024, 02:04 PM)
I am building a blanket chest from “rustic hickory “.
It will have a dark stain per my sister in law’s request.
I need to fill some knots. Years ago I di... |
wing nut |
1 |
785 |
06-15-2024, 04:01 PM |