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Thread: Style?
Post: RE: Style?
sniper |
6 |
1,646 |
08-09-2023, 07:17 AM |
Thread: SOLD: Powermatic PM2000 Tablesaw, 5HP, 1 phase
Post: RE: FS: Powermatic PM2000 Tablesaw, 5HP, 1 phase
If you hadn't sold the Mini Max ... |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
4 |
1,361 |
07-30-2023, 01:33 PM |
Thread: Two Cherries DT Saw
Post: RE: Two Cherries DT Saw
tablesawtom Wrote: (05-16-2023, 06:29 PM)
How much is it?
1/2 a thumb
I'll bet it's $20 but not sure if that includes shipping. |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
4 |
1,320 |
05-16-2023, 07:09 PM |
Thread: Well that went gone
Post: RE: Well that went gone
Glad to hear it's getting fixed. Hopefully it'll be good as new when you get it back. |
sniper |
14 |
4,521 |
12-09-2022, 12:30 PM |
Thread: 2 Bessey clamps
Post: RE: 2 Bessey clamps
MT Woodworker Wrote: (09-18-2022, 01:00 PM)
A couple of Bessey clamps I no longer use.
Ws3 corner, miter clamp
Ban700 nylon band clamp
$30 OBO, plus $15 Priority shipping, CONUS
Thanks f... |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
4 |
2,052 |
09-19-2022, 02:43 PM |
Thread: Swap - Jet 22-44-PRO-22-Inch-3-Horsepower-Sander
Post: RE: Swap - Jet 22-44-PRO-22-Inch-3-Horsepower-Sand...
If it was the oscillating version, I'd be real tempted to see if we could work something out with my SCTW 16/32. |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
5 |
2,501 |
03-27-2022, 08:00 PM |
Thread: Powermatic 209HH 20" Planer - Columbus, IN ***SOLD***
Post: RE: Powermatic 209HH 20" Planer - Columbus, IN
Cian Wrote: (01-26-2022, 01:15 PM)
That's a beast! Curious - what could you be possibly UPGRADING to??
That's what I was wondering. I've got the 15" HH and my only regret was not sp... |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
9 |
4,003 |
01-27-2022, 06:50 AM |
Thread: WTB: 8/4 cherry (or maple) for side table legs near 01776
Post: RE: WTB: 8/4 cherry (or maple) for side table legs...
Ya know, if you'd bit the bullet and bought an 8/4 board when you built that dresser, you'd have plenty for this table.
Just sayin' ;) :laugh:
BTW, I'm all out of 8/4 cherry now. |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
4 |
1,702 |
08-09-2021, 03:30 PM |
Thread: Paduak
Post: RE: Paduak
After turning and sanding a bunch of Walnut, I developed a minor allergic reaction to it. Fortunately, after a couple of years, it doesn't bother me again, but I am careful to put on a dust mask if I... |
sniper |
11 |
6,232 |
04-03-2021, 06:20 PM |
Thread: WTB: Teak for patio chairs, near 01776
Post: RE: WTB: Teak for patio chairs, near 01776
Wall lumber has 4/4 and 5/4 Teak. I've been very happy with the lumber I've bought from them.
Hearne Hardwoods has 4/4 and 8/4 but I've never dealt with them,... |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
4 |
2,511 |
04-03-2021, 02:10 PM |
Thread: Czeck Edge 15th Anniversary Tool
Post: RE: Czeck Edge 15th Anniversary Tool
Bob Zajicek Wrote: (03-18-2021, 04:52 PM)
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hey Bob! Good to hear from you, how goes it? You still camping out in Hotlanta? We are not long for Mayretta, going to be relocati... |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
8 |
4,186 |
03-25-2021, 02:26 PM |
Thread: Who uses two bandsaws in their shop?
Post: RE: Who uses two bandsaws in their shop?
Yes, I've got 2:
1) My first BS, a 12" Craftsman 1950's BS that my Dad had and gave me when he stopped woodworking. I keep an 1/8" blade on it for curves and just quick, small cuts.
When it took... |
sniper |
22 |
6,354 |
02-22-2021, 08:12 AM |
Thread: Need advice
Post: RE: Need advice
Thanks all for your replies. I went ahead and used multiple coats of CA glue on this section and am happy with it. It's on the bottom, so not as noticeable. This area was filled with soft wood with... |
sniper |
9 |
3,803 |
02-13-2021, 08:44 AM |
Thread: Need advice
Post: Need advice
I'm turning a platter for LOML out of Box Elder. I didn't notice this when I cut the blank, but there is a punky area that will be on the bottom. It's ~2.5" long by ~3/8" wide at it's widest point a... |
sniper |
9 |
3,803 |
02-11-2021, 05:16 PM |
Thread: Offer-Baltic birch plywood cheap!
Post: RE: Baltic birch plywood cheap!
fredhargis Wrote: (01-29-2021, 06:26 AM)
I think it's a spam post, should probably be deleted.
That's what my work filter thinks
"Access Denied (content_filter_denied)" |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
14 |
6,353 |
01-29-2021, 09:59 AM |
Thread: Sanding Table
Post: RE: Sanding Table
I use this bench mat on mine: |
sniper |
6 |
3,399 |
01-28-2021, 08:06 AM |
Thread: "Woodworkers Journal "Irish parlor clock
Post: RE: "Woodworkers Journal "Irish parlor clock
I've had good luck in the past with |
sniper |
11 |
6,508 |
01-13-2021, 04:24 PM |
Thread: SOLD! Jet Model JBOS-5 Oscillating Spindle Sander
Post: RE: Jet Model JBOS-5 Oscillating Spindle Sander
How far are you from Nashville? |
sniper |
Tool Swap N' Sell
3 |
2,422 |
12-06-2020, 10:21 PM |
Thread: Shiplap Back
Post: RE: Shiplap Back
jteneyck Wrote: (10-16-2020, 06:45 PM)
Put a nickel in the gap as you nail/screw them in place. That will be sufficient for 5" wide stock.
Handplanesandmore Wrote: (10-16-2020, 06:... |
sniper |
6 |
4,138 |
10-17-2020, 06:35 AM |
Thread: Future Son-in-Law's table
Post: RE: Future Son-in-Law's table
That looks really nice. With Cedar being so soft, I think the glass top is a smart move.
Where did he get the legs for it? I'm planning a new computer table with a Walnut slab top and those legs ... |
sniper |
9 |
5,086 |
10-14-2020, 08:04 AM |