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  0 Thread: Small miter box
Post: RE: Small miter box

Look here. And thank Derek Cohen Jim
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 16 6,976 05-16-2021, 02:46 PM
  0 Thread: Leg Vise for workbench
Post: RE: Leg Vise for workbench

Thanks Admiral and Curt. I’m still around. Closing my shop was a huge undertaking, way more time and effort than I ever imagined. In the end I was just giving away wood and tools just to get the place...
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 17 14,200 03-07-2019, 09:34 PM
  0 Thread: Give up Wood working?
Post: RE: Give up Wood working?

Admiral Wrote: (04-21-2018, 04:43 PM) -- Yeah, I've been coming around to that way of thinking after some health problems (all is good for now) and now hitting 65....  Example, got a haircut yesterda...
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 39 30,188 04-21-2018, 05:12 PM
  0 Thread: FS: Lie Nielsen 66 beader, Stanley 60 spokeshave
Post: RE: FS: Lie Nielsen 66 beader, Stanley 60 spokesha...

SteveF Wrote: (04-19-2018, 03:43 PM) -- Sold and shipped. -- Rats, missed it. Jim
Boatman53 Tool Swap N' Sell 6 5,207 04-20-2018, 07:29 PM
  0 Thread: What is this thing? - Bevel gauge/square
Post: RE: What is this thing? - Bevel gauge/square

I Strokes77 Wrote: (11-18-2017, 11:26 AM) -- Found this little contraption the other day.  Haven't seen anything like it before, what is it?   The blade is 12" long.  The only marking says "Model ...
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 9 7,014 11-18-2017, 06:03 PM
  0 Thread: affordable teak alternatives
Post: RE: affordable teak alternatives

vapochilled Wrote: (11-15-2017, 10:14 PM) -- 29" long, 2" wide and a little 1/2" thick Thanks all, I'll look and see what I have laying around, Gary if nothing else shows up, I'll take you up on tha...
Boatman53 Woodworking 13 8,397 11-16-2017, 10:30 PM
  0 Thread: affordable teak alternatives
Post: RE: affordable teak alternatives

vapochilled Wrote: (11-15-2017, 11:56 PM) -- Jim, I can plane it by hand? Sold the planer, D'oH -- No worries, I can run it through my planer. I'll get back to you later today. Jim
Boatman53 Woodworking 13 8,397 11-16-2017, 08:23 AM
  0 Thread: affordable teak alternatives
Post: RE: affordable teak alternatives

vapochilled Wrote: (11-15-2017, 10:14 PM) -- 29" long, 2" wide and a little 1/2" thick Thanks all, I'll look and see what I have laying around, Gary if nothing else shows up, I'll take you up on tha...
Boatman53 Woodworking 13 8,397 11-15-2017, 10:52 PM
  0 Thread: affordable teak alternatives
Post: RE: affordable teak alternatives

vapochilled Wrote: (11-13-2017, 09:53 PM) -- I have two strips of teak on my little boat that hold the hatch boards in place, they are 20 years past their prime!! Teak is out the question, dear god ...
Boatman53 Woodworking 13 8,397 11-15-2017, 08:42 PM
  0 Thread: FS: Krenov plane irons, spokeshave blades, Knight smoother
Post: RE: FS: Krenov plane irons, spokeshave blades, Kni...

Lots of good blades here. Just saying. Jim
Boatman53 Tool Swap N' Sell 15 13,071 10-24-2017, 07:06 PM
  0 Thread: Recent finds and a "whatsit"
Post: RE: Recent finds and a "whatsit"

Head back to Google and search 'vintage bobbin winder' and you will find several examples. Jim
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 6 6,232 09-05-2017, 08:37 AM
  0 Thread: Recent finds and a "whatsit"
Post: RE: Recent finds and a "whatsit"

DaveParkis Wrote: (09-03-2017, 10:02 PM) -- I finally caved and went hunting this weekend. Things weren't too bad and I came home with some goodies. Thought I'd share and see if someone could tell me...
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 6 6,232 09-04-2017, 04:37 PM
  0 Thread: Downsizing and Moving = Painful
Post: RE: Downsizing and Moving = Painful

Admiral, You will always be welcome to visit me up in Maine once we get settled. Jim
Boatman53 Woodworking 19 13,152 08-12-2017, 08:55 PM
  0 Thread: Rare Earth Magnets in Plane Rack
Post: RE: Rare Earth Magnets in Plane Rack

You might be thinking of mine Admiral. Jim
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 33 28,597 08-08-2017, 09:21 PM
  0 Thread: Selling projects that are based on someone else's plans? Legal or illegal?
Post: RE: Selling projects that are based on someone els...

My feeling is sell them for whatever you want. As I understand it you made them for yourself and used them, thus satisfying any royalty or plans fee. They are now used furniture. No worries. If you ma...
Boatman53 Woodworking 18 13,612 08-08-2017, 07:37 PM
  0 Thread: Downsizing and Moving = Painful
Post: RE: Downsizing and Moving = Painful

Richard, I'm right there with you. We are planning a move to Maine in the near future. We have shed most of the crap from the house, but I haven't started on the shop yet. Not looking forward to it. B...
Boatman53 Woodworking 19 13,152 07-30-2017, 10:06 PM
  0 Thread: Scything....
Post: RE: Scything....

I mowed it for many years. No critters (except the occasional mouse), it is a traditionally built Norwegian log cabin. The first pic of the house showed the water side and was covered with board and b...
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 25 17,143 07-23-2017, 08:49 PM
  0 Thread: Scything....
Post: RE: Scything....

For about ten years every fall I would cut the grass on my in-laws house in Maine. First couple of years I used a weed whacker but then found a scythe in the barn and used that ever since. It was quie...
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 25 17,143 07-23-2017, 12:39 PM
  0 Thread: Hand Cranked Grinder Questions
Post: RE: Hand Cranked Grinder Questions

Andy, my wheel is #120 grit. I just looked at the website and I didn't see the wheel style I have. It just has a crowned face and no radius on the edges. You might have to call Ken and ask if he has a...
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 16 12,215 07-14-2017, 07:45 PM
  0 Thread: I get around (marking gauge)
Post: RE: I get around (marking gauge)

We have an oldies station here in Sag Harbor. I think the seventies is as new as they get. They even have jingles. The station is WLNG 92.1 You can strea...
Boatman53 Woodworking Hand Tools 25 25,510 07-14-2017, 07:38 PM

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.