10-12-2020, 01:02 PM
Sometimes it's the little things that make your day. I just finished turning a salt shaker and was not happy with how the business end turned out (where I'm going to drill 3/32" holes). I had cut it off from the blank and was sanding it and just wasn't getting the job done the way I wanted.
Cue the light bulb over my head. The plug hole is 1", I have a 25mm jaw set (1" = ~25.4mm). Wonder if that would hold the open end so I could play with the top? BINGO, the shaker fit snugly over the jaws and with just a very small twist to tighten, it held perfectly and I was able to finish the top, taking very light passes with a round nose scraper and then sanding to finish.
We're not talking anything fancy in a design. This is only my second set of s&p shakers, something I've been thinking of making for years, just never got to it. After a day of things not really going my way, it was a very nice surprise that something worked out perfectly.
Anyway, thought I'd share in case someone has had a similar issue and didn't think of this.
Cue the light bulb over my head. The plug hole is 1", I have a 25mm jaw set (1" = ~25.4mm). Wonder if that would hold the open end so I could play with the top? BINGO, the shaker fit snugly over the jaws and with just a very small twist to tighten, it held perfectly and I was able to finish the top, taking very light passes with a round nose scraper and then sanding to finish.
We're not talking anything fancy in a design. This is only my second set of s&p shakers, something I've been thinking of making for years, just never got to it. After a day of things not really going my way, it was a very nice surprise that something worked out perfectly.
Anyway, thought I'd share in case someone has had a similar issue and didn't think of this.