"we have a Plan"
Page #3...
Worked of a few rips...
To get rid of the barky parts..
To get 2 center stile blanks
Jigged up to run a few beads..
One per edge...

Cross cut and rip for 3 rails..
Top, bottom and middle rails....which also need beads run
Regardless of grain direction....a sharp #23 bead cutter will still do the jobs...

Still to do?
Need to run a bead along both edges of the outside stiles...maybe later today?

Then, maybe start on a bit of joinery?
Mitered Half Laps.....

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Will up-date this thread, later this evening....have a bit of work to do, today..
This was at quitting time , yesterday afternoon...on a Monday, no less...
Was a rather busy 90 minutes, at that..

Stay tuned...film @2300 hrs...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
The Long Stiles: corner joint is a mitered half lap...
Find the angle..
Marking gauge to lay out the cuts..
MitreBox & Saw to make a stopped cut...
Then a rip cut...
Then a wide chisel to level and clean up..

Need 2 stiles done, for now..
Saved one of the cut-offs....need it to set the 27 degree cut that this needs..
Set it to the saw..
Only going 1/2 way down...then a big old rip saw to remove the waste..
Again, wide chisel to clean and level..until it matches the stile's corner..
Repeat 3 more times...

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

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